Why Knee crunch

Why Knee crunch

Ideally, the joints should not make any sounds. Crunch can be a harbinger or symptom of a serious disease. Especially carefully in this regard should be treated. By virtue of its anatomical location, they experience heavy loads than many other joints. And accordingly, injury or inflammatory processes occur more often.

It is believed that the crunch in the joints is the lot of old people. And in fact, quite often "sound" knees even in children and adolescents. The reason for this is a jump-like growth, when the ligaments and the articular bag simply do not sleep for bones. Clicks in this case are considered the norm and treatment do not require.

In adult healthy people can also crunch knees. The mechanism of occurrence of such sounds is the following: during the movement, the volume of the articular bag increases, and gas bubbles in the intra-articular fluid are formed, then they are bursting, and a click is distributed. Experts believe that such cases are characterized by the increased protein content in the synovial fluid. Therefore, it is enough to reduce the consumption of meat, eggs, cottage cheese and fish - and everything will come to normal. The crunch of this type for physiological reasons can occur only once every 10-15 minutes. If this happens more often or over time, the character of the sound has changed, you should consult a doctor.

Crunch in the knees can also occur due to a low-lifestyle lifestyle. Over time, not working in the right volumes, muscles are atrophy, ligaments lose elasticity, and the joints begin to raise nutrients. In this case, clicks are a warning about the possible risk of disease development. You should urgently do physical education or any sport. But it is necessary to do it gradually and smoothly - everything should be in moderation.

Other extremes - excessive physical exertion. It may be a permanent weight gain at work, and too diligent classes in the gym with burdens. In order to avoid the development of diseases, reduce the load or completely stop at all. If these measures did not give a result or a crunch resumed, contact the doctor.

Also, quite often, the problem of the crunch occurs in people who, trying to lose weight quickly, change dramatically lifestyle and begin to train intensively. Overweight - and so high load on your knees. Therefore, jumping, fees, classes with burdens for legs - this is not your option. Start lose weight in the pool, engage in gymnastics and observe the diet, and over time you can go to large loads.

The crunch may indicate the development of a serious disease, such as deforming osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursitis or tendenit, if the following symptoms are also present:

  • knee hurts or swelling;
  • mobility is limited;
  • the sound occurs at the same movement every time without a pause of 10 minutes.

In this case, of course, you need to visit the clinic as quickly as possible and go through the relevant surveys. Remember, the sooner you begin treatment, the higher the chances of recovery and the complete restoration of the joint mobility.

Even in the absence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor if you have ever had a knee injury. The fact is that in this case the possibility of repeated injury or the occurrence of the disease increases at times. Also especially vigilant should be people with the syndrome of the hypermobility of the joints. The weakness of the articular and ligament is often the cause of dislocation and arthrosis.

As you can see, the crunch in the knees is an optional symptom of the disease. But it is often a signal about the need to change lifestyle and nutrition to avoid complications.

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Neugurenko Stepa 02/12/2018 at 9:24

I also thought anything terrible. Handed to Argroz, now it is not only a crunch, and also pain. The doctor says to panic early early, the stage is initial, it is necessary to restore cartilage. Prescribed sustalaife. I drink two weeks, the pain is gone, the crunch too. Let's see what will happen next

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Anastasia 24/06/2020 at 15:55

My knees do not crunch, but they began to sobat. I will not say that I sit constantly, I am very active, but the pain occurs ...

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Eugene 25/06/2020 at 10:21

I am also active, the Scandinavian walking three times a week, but the joints also make themselves known ... What do you do? I try to eat right, I drink water, still I accept the arthrophish, this complex has a very good compound - based on chondroprotectors of glucosamine and chondroitine made, plus collagen and all this maritime origin. I think more this is his merit that the joints have become much less disturbing me!

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valery 22/10/2021 at 18:19

the most basic mistake of people is that they accept the symptoms of arthrosis for a simple pain, which will pass in a couple of days, and then when it comes to them and it all develops into chronic, it begins the run of doctors, forever scored shelves with mezzylex and other medicines, Restless pain, in general, people, the body just will not hurt so, well, go to the doctor once again check, it will not be worse

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Doyna 23/10/2021 at 20:21

With my childhood, my knees are crushing .... But somehow they never delivered some problems, while during the climax period did not join. Now not only the crunch is present, but also pain. The doctor advised Evalar Honda MSM to take. She is very pleased ... .. The device has improved and pain is somewhat less. I think it is even due to the fact that such useful hyaluronic acid.

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