How to take bee perma

How to take bee perma

If you were looking for an answer to the question of how to take the perma, it should be aware of the benefits of this product. People have long found many ways to use bee nutrition in their own medicinal purposes. For an adult mid-weight person, the dose of Perga is no more than two grams. The child is 4 times smaller than the "bee bread". It is enough to launch the processes of protection and restoration of the body. The method and time of receiving Perger is of great importance, which is determined by the nature of the disease that is treated. As with health benefit to dispose of Perga, you will learn from this article.

Almost in all cases, Perga applies 2 grams. To make it easier to calculate the dose at home, focus on the number of granules. In one gram of their 5-7 pieces. That is, during the day your norm will be up to 20 granules. Treatment Perga is conducted by courses 4 times a year to 20 days. The useful elements contained in this beeprooper are proved by science and studied.

To normalize the jumping blood pressure, the total daily dose is 2-3 grams. If you are hypertensive, then take your api-medicine on an empty stomach three times a day. Hypotone is recommended the same amount of Perga, only after eating. When complying with these nuances, you will feel much more comfortable.

For the treatment of male diseases, such as premature ejaculation, infertility or prostatitis, take 8 grams of the beeproof twice a day. Some female Perga problems also decide. During pregnancy to save the fetus, take 8 grams four times per day. During feeding, use the same scheme for high-quality breastfeeding kid.

In the complex treatment of PERGA tumors has its own positive effect. Use it between the reception of medicines 2-4 g three times per day. Exactly the same dosage is needed for the treatment of diabetes. With the help of Pergr, you support a certain level of blood sugar.

To enhance immunity, take every morning for 15 minutes before eating a couple of grams of pollen. If the cold is already defeated you, resolving the balls of this product immediately after taking antibiotics. In this way you will strengthen their positive action aimed at recovery.

Value of pollen for the elderly is also undeniable. This pcheloproduktov restores the nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, adjusts hormones. Upon receiving the patients feel vigor and improved appetite. A cheerfulness, a surge of strength and healthy sleep returned.

Treatment of pollen allergy is held, despite the fact that she is a strong allergen. If you take half a gram three times a day, dissolving the granules in the mouth, then pass rashes in children and skin redness in adults. Seasonal allergies treated in advance. If you start taking pollen season in acute sinusitis, it will not help. It may even aggravate the situation.

Do not use pollen over a recommended and proven by many people the norm. The abuse of the substance, as well as any medication, can cause harm to the body. Take the time to consult a doctor before starting self-pollen in order to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions to the substance. When choosing a medication bee production pay attention to the seller. If you do not have access to beekeepers directly, examine all documents, evidence of conformity to the relevant requirements. As a rule, special centers have apitherapy stands, which displays all documents and certificates.

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