How to anoint a mosquito bite?

How to anoint a mosquito bite?

What could be more annoying and unpleasant than the buzz of the mosquito and to the blood of a combed bite place. The skin itches, blushes, swell, besides, the infection can get into the wound. You have discomfort, irritability, and if a mosquito, in addition, bored your baby, then it seems the end of the world. We will figure it out than you can smear mosquito bites.

Why do mosquito bites scratch?

Komar bite - non-hazardous microtrauma leather. During a puncture in the blood, an anticoagulant that contributes to its coagulation is penetrated. This substance provokes local skin irritation - itching, swelling, swelling, urticule. The severity of this reaction depends on the characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system. And the higher the scratched person the tendency to allergies, the more brightly he reacts to the mosquito bite.

How to anoint mosquito bite - pharmacy

In the summer, it is important not only to replenish the reserves of frightening repellents, but also to buy funds that take inflammation after cursors, because it is impossible to fully insure them. It is especially important to start an "antitomarine" a first-aid kit in the family, where there are allergies and small children.

To reduce itching and hyperemia, skin can be used:

  • Mazi - Boro-Plus, Ppi-Balsam, Rescuer, Vitaon, Fenidist, asterisk. Before using the means, the skin must be slipped in warm water, rub the towel and then lubricate. After applying ointment, the bite immediately comes relief.
  • The calendula tincture is suitable for processing fresh shutters. She relieves itching, disinfects the place of puncture, prevents inflammation.
  • Boric acid - removes itching and disinfects the skin. The remedy needs to be breeding in water: 5 ml of boric acid on ½ cup of boiled water. Skin can be lubricated or making a skip.
  • Antihistamine preparations - with numerous bitees that caused a strong allergic reaction, claritine, zoda, loratidine, suprastin are prescribed. Inside take 1 tablet 3-5 days. You can also grind the pill and apply Cashitz on the bite.
  • Corvalol, Barbal, Valokordin - Removing itching, render cooling action.
  • Essential oils - for processing the bite, as well as to scare the mosquitoes, the ester of the tea tree can be used, vanilla, eucalyptus, all citrus satellites.

Advice! Excellent discomfort of zinc and Kalamin bases and Kalamina creams.

How to anoint a mosquito bite - Program

If the mosquitoes served quite unexpectedly, and there are no ointments at hand, and the nearest pharmacy is far away, do not be upset, because there are many ways to get rid of itching with the help of popular methods.

There are arsenal in you:

  • Mint Toothpaste - you need to apply a thin layer of pasta. A minute later, the skin cooles and stop hiding.
  • Soda - You can dissolve a spoonful of soda in a glass with water and wipe the skin, or make soda cassea and impose in place of bite. The skin will stop hiding within a few minutes.
  • The saline solution is 10 g of salts (you can marine) in half a glass of warm water and rinse the skin area where the mosquito was bitten.
  • Apple vinegar, honey or milk - any of these funds apply on the skin, and try not to flush. The skin calms down, swelling will come down, itching will decrease.
  • Oatmeal - Fill oatflakes with boiling water, cool them and apply to the place of bite.
  • Citrus - Soothing the skin will help wipe the lobule of lemon, grapefruit, lime. If the skin is very sensitive, it is better to squeeze the juice and dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Greens - Parsley, Cress Salad, Dill, Basil, Mint, Employee Bezně, Planitenika perfectly remove itching.
  • Ice - attach to leather pieces of ice or package with frozen berries. When the skin frozen, the unpleasant feelings will disappear.
  • If there is nothing at hand, press the bite of a nail, a handle or other subject.

Going for a walk, do not forget to put a spray in the bag from mosquitoes, so you do not have to look for a way to remove itching and unpleasant feelings from vinegar.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 07/13/2018 at 22:33

I tried to apply a lemon on the bite - it was even more to fuck (the toothpaste really shoots it all the case, but only for a while. In general, the easiest to use the pharmacy tool, I am a fortune-up

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