How to pull out the city

How to pull out the city

Resting in nature or working at home, in the garden you can drive the oppression in soft fabric or under the nail. The phenomenon is not very pleasant, but the main question is what to do and how to pull out the off-beland? It is impossible to assume our body, because in the rink there may have an inflammatory process that entails more serious consequences. If you find the off -landic yourself, it is not necessary to turn to a specialist. The following describes effective removal methods.

It is better to pull out right away at once without postponing for later, because if it dives deeper, inflammation and suppuration can occur. Bacteria are also entered into the foreign bodies inside. If the zanosis sticks out above the surface, it is necessary to disinfect the damaged area and tweezers. Next tweezers carefully pull out a wooden fragment.

If the zanoza rolled deeply, it is necessary to prepare a steep saline solution, then moisten a piece of gauze and impose on a damaged place, secure the bandage. After drying, the solution again moisten it, impose. Salt helps pushing the subject outward. Such actions can lead to the fact that the tank will be pulled out, which can then be removed by tweezers.

If the zanosis is close to the surface of the skin, you can use the leafoplasty. To do this, it is necessary to glue the leukoplasty to the skin area with the near and remove it. This method is safe - since it does not make an additional infection in the wound. If these events did not proper impact - do not postpone the visit to the doctor. This is especially required if the zanoza got into his finger to the baby, she knees him, it is not visible, and it cannot show it clearly.

Another way to eliminate the offrance. To do this, prepare the following materials:

  • Soap;
  • Needle;
  • Alcohol;
  • Water;
  • Tweezers.

Action plan:

  1. Rinse the damaged area with water with soap.
  2. Squeeze the skin from two sides from the off -landic.
  3. Mix with alcohol needle and tweezers.
  4. Expand the hole with a needle.
  5. Pull out the offering of tweezers.
  6. Treat the skin surface disinfectant (alcohol, iodine, brilliant green).


If you are in nature, and there are trees nearby - you can use the popular way to remove splinters. To do this, you must apply on the affected area oleoresin (tree resin). Juice with fir trees, such as pine, spruce, larch, cedar, it is necessary to stick into place deep into a thorn, and in 1-2 days it will come.

you can not pick the wound neobezzarazhennoy needle as possible to bring back the infection. If the pain in the heel - make a saline solution to lower the foot and hold for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the skin becomes more supple, soft, and wood chips will be anxious to get out, and it will be easier to pull a splinter. If the pain stopped and redness gradually subsides, it means that the splinter out and no longer be disturbed.

So, if you have a pain, no need to panic and to make their own cuts, pick wound. The best way to get rid of splinters - use saline or pull it with a needle or forceps.

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