What do you need to buy for a newborn baby?

What do you need to buy for a newborn baby?

The market offers a huge selection of goods for newborns. Because of this, inexperienced parents are lost and often buy not necessary things. We will help you choose things in the right amount so that money is not spent in vain!


In this matter, it all depends on what the kid will eat: Mother or mixture milk. With breastfeeding it will take:

  • breast pump;
  • bottles for storage;
  • sterilizer;
  • bras for feeding;
  • bump inserts.

When nutrition with mixtures:

  • bottles;
  • sterilizer;
  • thermos.


This item shares things necessary in the maternity hospital and at home. To stay in the maternity hospital, it is comfortable, you need to prepare things for the kid in advance.
Clothing in the hospital:

  • dispensers (2 pieces);
  • sliders (five pieces);
  • thin and flannel diapers (2 pcs.);
  • caps.

Before you cook things in the maternity hospital, you need to know whether it is possible to take homework there to avoid infection.
Young parents often do not know what things need a child for the first time. The fact is that the child is growing rapidly and many kits become small. You can avoid such trouble if you buy the following things:

  • cotton dispensers (5 pcs.);
  • sliders depending on the time of year (10 pcs.);
  • whirlwinds;
  • warm sweatshirts (2 pcs.);
  • booties;
  • caps (2 pcs.)

Choosing clothes for crumbs need to follow the lack of seams on it.

Aid kit

In the maternity hospital today give the first aid kit, for this reason you do not need to rush to buy it. Just then need to buy what does not get. The standard set consists of:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • zelenki;
  • wats;
  • oils;
  • herbs for kneading;
  • a solution of manganese
  • powder;
  • antipyretic;
  • thermometer.

Sleeping place

Since babies sleep up to 18 hours a day, you need to prepare a sleeping place. It must be cozy and comfortable. For its arrangement, you need:

  • bed or playpen;
  • thin and warm blankets;
  • 2 set of bed linen;
  • oilcloth.

To protect the baby from drafts, you will need soft sabers around the perimeter of the bed.

Swimming baby

Breasts need to bathe every day. Therefore, you need to take care of the comfort of this procedure. To do this, it is recommended to buy:

  • Bath. This is the main object for swimming. A healthy child is washed daily in ordinary water, diluted with disasts of chamomile or manganese.
  • Circle for swimming. This is an additional bathing subject, which will make it easier for swimming, because you do not have to constantly lean and keep the child. This invention is used when bathing in a regular bath.
  • Cap with foam blocks. With its help, the newborn is held on the surface of the water, excluding the likelihood of choking.
  • Thermometer.
  • Soft towel.


In order for the child to be well maintained and clean the following objects of hygiene:

  • Board or cheesecake. The advantage of the first adaptation is the ability to put on any item. The chest of drawers has large sizes, because it has drawers.
  • Diapers. It is better to choose verified firms. Since the child is growing rapidly, buying a large number of diapers of the minimum size is not necessary.
  • Powder, cream under the diaper. The selection of the brand is recommended to carry out the doctor's advice.
  • Wet wipes and diapers.
  • Scissors, comb, wool.

Walking and entertainment

Walking with the child you need every day regardless of the weather. Today, doctors advise walking with newborn in a sling. This device is suitable for a limited volume. The baby hears the head of the mother's heart, which he is so familiar, while he feels safe. For walking need:

  • Stroller with cradle;
    Bag for necessary things.
    A child during the first month of life does not focus his eyes, does not take objects in the handle, but hears. Therefore, the rattles will be needed. Strong myopia does not interfere close to see the world around. The child reacts to bright items, besides, eating sounds. When communicating with cloth, items need to be held at a distance of 30 cm.

Additional things

All the following things are not mandatory, but they are able to provide comfort in the life of a young family:

  • Rocking chair. With it, you can soothe and rock the crumb.
  • Humidifier. This device will provide optimal humidity in the heating season.
  • Radionan. Let me hear the child after waking up. It is especially convenient to use the device in a big house or when put the stroller in the garden.
  • Car seat. For a safe crossing, the crumbs will necessarily need a car chair or a special carrying, a cradle-transformer for fixing in the car. The device selection depends on the car brand.
  • Capacity for used diapers. If there is no garbage disposal in your house, then such a device will be necessary. It is also suitable for those who do not tolerate this smell.

Parents should prepare for the fact that the newborn causes a storm of emotions, fatigue, a lot of love and big expenses. To optimize expenses, it is important to carefully consider the list of goods that will be useful to the child. Then give it to loved people who do not know what to give you. Let the teddy bears and silver spoons back on the store shelves, and will give really necessary things!


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