Most people think that the left ventricular hypertrophy is a separate disease, but in fact it is a symptom that signals problems in the cardiovascular system.
Symptoms of manifestation of hypertrophy
Blood falls into the organs itself, but with the help of the heart and blood vessels. The bulk of blood swings with the left ventricle. Under certain conditions, this muscle begins to thicken, and the cavity in the meantime expands. As a result, the following phenomena occurs:
- Edema.
- Heart rhythm is broken.
- Dyspnea.
- A person loses consciousness.
- Dizziness.
Causes of hypertrophy
- The first reason is high pressure, or speaking by medical language, arterial hypertension. If it does not engage for a long time and not stabilize hypertension, then the pressure will overload the heart, as a result of which hypertrophy appears.
- The second reason is cardiomegaly. This feature is purely individual and can be inherited. If the person is large, then he has a heart, respectively, has not only the walls thicker, but also the camera is wider.
- The athletes receive increased loads, therefore it is very prone to the appearance of hypertrophy.
- The increase in sugar can also lead to this pathology.
- It is impossible not to mention the vice of the heart. After all, because of it there is a lot of overload.
- Even if the wall has become more than 1.5 cm, the doctors say that this is already pathology.
Medicinal measures for hypertrophy
Before deciding on treatment, the doctor should learn about the reason that caused such a state. Then decide what to do is slow down hypertrophic processes or produce pathogenetic therapy. Those. Normalize metabolism.
The doctor offers a patient to quit bad habits. If the weight is excessive, it should be reset. It is also necessary to pay more attention to physical stress.
Next, it all depends on what state is the pathology. If hypertrophy manifests itself clinically, then some drugs are prescribed. They are usually from the beta-adrenoblator family, for example, Satolol. The heart muscle needs oxygen. With the help of the medication, this amount decreases. As a result, the pain from angina, as well as shortness of breath decrease, and then they will disappear.
Calcium channel blockers can be used. Example - Verapamil. Cardiomyocytes contain calcium ions, and if their concentration is high enough, the contractile function will deteriorate. The medication will reduce such a concentration, and the pathology process will be suppressed.
The doctor also sometimes prescribes an additional antiarrhythmic effect. Or medicines containing such elements like potassium or magnesium. If a person can develop thromboembolism, anticoagulants are used. In the case when the cause of this pathology is hypertension, or one accompanies another, then in addition, the specialist will write antihypertensive drugs.
Additional recommendations for hypertrophy
It is worth understanding that in most cases the disease proceeds almost impossible. Most often hypertrophy is found completely suddenly when the ECG passes. In case of anxious phenomena, you should immediately consult a doctor.
If, despite the efforts of the doctors and the patient itself, nothing helps, only a surgical method is possible - the hypertrophic muscle is removed. This is especially used if the aortic duct is narrowed. It has been proven that the operation is very effective in the treatment of children with congenital vice heart.
Unfortunately, the recipes of traditional medicine can only give a temporary effect, but the reason is not eliminated. Only those that can clear the blood are recommended. For example, St. John's wort, as well as a rose robberry or viburnum.
Patients should also forget about sweets, animal fats, various baking. It is necessary to eat a little, while not to forget to drink water.
Treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy should be immediate, otherwise the disease may have a fatal outcome for a person. All therapeutic measures, including alternative ways, should be appointed directly by the attending physician.