What is Chayldfrey

What is Chayldfrey

It happens that people cannot have children because of their health. However, some voluntarily refuse to continue the kind - people who can, but do not want to have children called Childfrey. Now adherents of this philosophy are not so much, however, the movement of the Childfree originated relatively recently and is just beginning to gain momentum. The relationship in society to such pairs is very ambiguous. Consider what Chayldfrey is why people make such a choice and how this movement is treated in different countries.

What is Childfrey?

Childfrey translated from English means "free from children." These are people who decided that they do not want to have children. Especially popular this movement has become in the West a few years ago. In Russia, more traditional family values, so the philosophy of refusal from children did not receive so widespread. However, individual couples relating to the Childfries are still found.

The appearance of the movement of the Childfries is quite natural in Western culture - people less began to think about the offspring, wanting to enjoy life here and now or implement in other fields. Consider some interesting facts about Childfries:

  • Most often, childfries are declared women than men. This is due to the active movement of emancipation. Women want to build a career, have a hobby and enjoy an active life - care for a small child in such plans does not fit. Men usually do not spend many of their time for daily care for the child, so less often refuse to continue the kind.
  • Usually childfrey yourself declare young people from 20 to 35 years. Over time, the opinion of many of them changes. Perhaps due to the increase in life expectancy and its quality, people simply began to grow more slowly and the thought of children up to 30 years scares them. Indeed, many of those who once announced themselves Childfrey, with time, enjoy the happiness of paternity or motherhood.
  • Since the adherents of the Philosophy of Chayldfri are not so many, people who have decided to abandon children, it is difficult to find a couple. This is another reason why many cease to be Childfrey - a partner manage to convince them. However, occasionally occurs inverse situation - Childfrey convinces its partner not to have children.
  • Often Chayldfrey domestic animals to implement the natural natural need to take care of someone.

Why do people do not want to have children?

There are many reasons who find the Childfries to explain their philosophy. You can most often hear the following options:

  • Mothers are afraid to become housewives, to marry in domestic affairs and live life in vain. Many are afraid that they will not be able to combine child care and their own active life. Indeed, children often interfere with fully work, meet friends, engage in hobby and watch themselves. To do everything, you need to apply a lot of effort.
  • Many careers do not allow you to have children. In the pursuit of success, it is not even time for the thoughts of children, and if even a woman planned to have a child, work dictates their conditions. Many scary to start children, because then there is a risk to lose their position, and many years of effort will be useless.
  • Sometimes a couple believes that financially cannot afford a child. Moreover, this cause is even wealthy pairs. Some are accustomed to spending a lot on yourself, while others want the child to do not refuse themselves, but cannot afford it.
  • In the rhythm of the life of avid travelers and lovers of extreme sports, children often do not fit.
  • There are people dependent on romance in relationships. Often they tend to change partners to re-enjoy the candidate-bought period again. The prospect of family life scares such people.

Attitude to the Childfree

Attitude towards Childfrey is very ambiguous. In the end, if people do not want to continue their genus, society is doomed to extinct. Consider how they belong to Childfries in different cultures.

  • In Europe and the US, the attitude towards the Childfries is the most tolerant. This does not mean that everyone would be happy to refuse children, however, to those who made such a choice relate without condemnation. In addition, Western culture itself, based on independence and desire to succeed, very much to the Childfrey philosophy. At the same time, even in the West, such cases are not too frequent - people or originally want to have children, or cease to be childfrey to a certain age.
  • In Russia, not everyone is even heard about such a move as Childfi. Attitude towards such people is very ambiguous. Youth often perceives them more calmly, and the older generation people often condemn and try to convince every way. One way or another, Childfi cases in Russia and the CIS countries are rather rare.
  • In Eastern culture, the movement of Childfries is practically not found - the continuation of the kind is almost the most important thing for Asian mentality.

The movement of the Childfrey recently appeared and the relationship in society to such people is very ambiguous. Yes, and the adherents of philosophy of freedom of freedom from children often change their decision during life or regret the missed opportunities for old age. The tendency to refuse children is not so strong yet: most people still prefer to have, at least one child.

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