What is fungnya

What is fungnya

Mushroom, or other name, mycelium mushrooms are the roots of mushrooms, they are also called gifs. They look like thin, branching white threads in the top of the soil. Of these, then mushrooms grow. How it happens, we will find out in this article.

What does the fungnya look like?

Mushroom, consisting of white thin threads, can occupy a place in the upper part of the land, the spaces for kilometers. The role of mushrooms is to gain a firm surface and give life to mushrooms.

Mushrooms are different. Not all of them cling to land cover. It can be a dead tree. In wet conditions, the threads of mycelium penetrate into the tissue of wood, take the nutrients from it. So grow oyster mushrooms.

The mushroom grows from the dispute contained in the overripe of a mushroom hat when dying. In order for the fungry to grow well, you need more moisture, that is rain.

Collecting mushrooms, we can mushroom and not to notice. In the top of the soil, it looks like a dense firm formation of black color, called sclerocation. So nature protects mycelium from unfavorable conditions, for example, drought. When, after dry summer, autumn rains begin, the sclerosions germinate inside and free the mushroom to form a dispute, that is, mushrooms.

The fungi is very survivor, can remain in the soil of decades, not afraid of high heat, long droughts, strong frosts. It is terrible for her water, namely a large amount of water, when all the space is flooded, and there is no air access to the fungny, then she dies.

What mushrooms grow from mushrooms?

Hat mushrooms grow from the mushrooms in the forest. Called them with hats because they consist of legs and hats. Hats mushrooms are divided into 2 large types:

  • Tubular (white, boomes, boosions, mossics, butter).
  • Plate (Raw, freight, champignons, rims, umbrellas, chanterelles).

Disputes, of which mushrooms are then formed, these types of mushrooms are at the bottom of the hat.

In addition to the two main types of mushrooms, there are still sampling mushrooms (lines, curls), their disputes are inside the mushroom.

Where are the mushrooms grow?

  • Hats mushrooms prefer to grow in a roof forest, in shady places.
  • An attractive place for mushrooms is the side of the forest road, a hillock.
  • If the year was rainy, the mushrooms grow in the forest on the vertices of the slopes, and if there were little rains - near the trunks of the trees.
  • If there is no moisture in the forest, the fungi freezes, and mushrooms cannot grow to the onset of rainy weather, because they consist of 90% of the water.
  • In dense forests, mushrooms are rare.
  • Do not love the mushrooms to grow and in thick grass, which is found among the forest, wetlands.

Under what trees what mushrooms grow?

  • The "companion" of pines are white and polish mushrooms, shafts, umbrellas, goggles, black, oil, oil, raincoats, mosski, hare mushrooms, green, violet and gray rows, chanterelles, fries, crumbs, raw materials.
  • Under the birch, white mushrooms, umbrellas, boomes, boomiers, freight, raincoats, raw materials, chanterelles, mokhoviki, haughty, polish, curls are growing.
  • Near Osin grow black grooves, raincoats, boosions, chanterelles, mokhoviki, currants, raw materials.
  • Near oak grows the following mushrooms: white, umbrellas, raincoats, dubboviki, hare mushrooms, chanterelles, mosski, whale, freight white, polish, row of litery and purple, currants, cheese and champignons.
  • Topole, raincoats, row of litery and purple, crock, raw, and champignons grow under the poplar.
  • Near acacia, growing in the forest, can grow a row of literal and purple, curls, raw materials, champignons.

Why do mushrooms need in nature?

Mushrooms grow not just like that. They have their own appointment in nature - Sanitars. Mushrooms take an active part in the purification of forest from waste after man and animals - processing and decomposing dead parts of plants, trees, and organic waste.

Edible mushrooms growing in forests are used in food by animals and people.

Mushrooms have therapeutic properties and are used in medicine.

So, we learned what kind of fungnetic, and what mushrooms from her grow.

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