What is Kumkvat

What is Kumkvat

Kumkvat is a plant from the kind of citrus sitrus, with small oblong orange fruits that eat with the skin. And the peel in Kumkvat is sweet, the inside with sourness. We learn about this amazing fruit more.

What is Kumkvat, where and how is it growing?

The plant is growing well in wet tropics and subtropics, a tree, a height of up to 3-4 m. Crohn is usually spheroid, with plenty of fruits.

Motherland Kumkvat is South China.

The sweetest fruits of Kumquat grow in the Hong Kong area.

Kumkvat matures in the northern hemisphere, like all citrus fruits, before the new year.

What is Kumkvat, what does it look like?

The fruits of kumquat are small in size, oblong, orange, 5 cm long, 4 cm wide. Top covered with shiny, thin, sweet skin, inside 4-7 pieces of sour-sweet pulp, in each shelter slices.

The pulp of kumquat to taste resembles an acidic mandarin.

It is very useful to use the fruits in the food, since they do not contain nitrates, the plant does not absorb them from the soil.

During flowering from the colors of Kumkvat, the delicate aroma of citruses, soothing and attending the nervous system, occurs.

What is kumkvat, beneficial properties

In Kumkvat, the mass of useful properties:

  • Suppresses, like all citrus, infection, especially respiratory tract.
  • The high content of ascorbic acid in Kumkvat increases immunity.
  • The use of cumquat fruits is favorable on the liver and gallbladder, because it helps the splitting of fats.
  • This fruit is useful for pregnant women, especially with toxicosis, if there is no allergies for the genus citrus.

Kumkvat - Contraindications

This fruit has contraindications:

  • Allergy to citrus. If you are allergic to other products, and it has not yet been observed on citrus fruits, you need to carefully eat kumkvat, no more than 2 fruits per 1 time, and if you try Kumkvat for the first time - then not more than half of the fetus.
  • With caution to take with increased acidity of the stomach, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, diabetes mellitus.

What is Kumkvat, and what prepare from it?

How to use the fruits of Kumquat:

  • Eat fresh.
  • Dried.
  • Juice is used in cosmetology.
  • Sweet blanks are prepared in the form of a zucatov, jam, confiture, pastes.
  • Prepare sauces to meat.
  • Dried kumkvat is added to sweet pastries.

So, we learned to an amazing plant and fruit - Kumkvat.

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