Fruit of lychee - useful properties, how are there

Fruit of lychee - useful properties, how are there

Fly on holiday in Thailand? Then be sure to try such an exotic fruit like lychee. Juicy and fragrant meat of fruit is valued not only for an unusual taste, but also for the presence of useful components for the body. Buy lychee is best in the market where you can always find a fresh product. But at the same time it is worth carefully treating the selection of fruit to fully enjoy his taste.

Fruit lychee - what looks like and growing

  • Externally, lychee resembles our chestnuts in the peel, but only smaller size, with bright purple skin of the skin and a large number of protrusions on it. In size, fruits are no more than 4 cm. In diameter.
  • Inside there is a juicy flesh slightly blue. For this tint, fruit has another name among the local population - Chinese plum.
  • The fruit is growing on the tree, the fruits of which hang out with branches of borders. From afar you may seem that large raspberries grow on the tree.
  • Long time Lychi was expensive fruit, which was supplied from China. But the last few decades the fruits began to grow thais.
  • The ripening period of the fruit falls on the rainy season (April-June) when high humidity is observed and the temperature is kept at one level. These conditions are ideal for ripening fruit.
  • In the market you can find lychee on the bunches associated together. This feature of sale makes it possible to keep the freshness of the fruit longer period.
  • The cost of the fruit in the north is greater than in the south of the country. Consider this feature when decide to purchase a few kilograms of fruits. Although in the area there is most plantations for the cultivation of fruits.

Fruit Lychee - Taste and Useful Properties

  • Fruits of lychee to taste resemble grapes with light sourness and a little tartness. Depending on the conditions and place of cultivation, the taste may vary from too acid to sweetish.
  • The flesh of the fruit is too watery due to the large content of the liquid in it. Therefore, ripe fruit is very juicy.
  • Lychee contains many useful components that improve digestion and contribute to improved human health. But individual medicine cannot be considered for the fruit, only as auxiliary therapy.
  • First of all, the fruits are rich in vitamins C and group B, as well as iron. Therefore, lychee is often prescribed by patients with anemia and anemia.
  • The large content of carbohydrates in the pulp of fruit contributes to the normalization of digestion. It also improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and has a tonic effect on the body.
  • The pulp of lychee is able to normalize the level of sugar and cholesterol in the patients.
  • Because of the large liquid content, the lychee is well quenched thirst and restores the body after the intestinal disorder. But at the same time, the fruit has a light laxative effect.
  • The vitamins and minerals of the fruit positively affect the work of the cardiovascular system of the body, as well as the kidneys, liver and lungs.
  • These fruits often use people who are watching their nutrition or support a diet. Since the lychee is considered low-calorie fruit (at 100 gr. The pulp of only 66 kcal.).
  • But in pursuit of rehabilitation, do not forget about the contraindications of a fruit for the body. Allergic reactions from the use of lychee are not excluded. In this case, it is necessary to stop using it.
  • Damage Licacy may if you eat a bone, as well as exceed the daily rate of fruit. Especially make sure that the children do not eat more than 100 grams. Raw pulp per day.

Fruit lychee - how to eat

  • Fresh litcil fruits first need to be cleaned from the peel. To do this, make a sharp knife to make an incision on it, separate the pulp or get it a teaspoon. Try to hardly press the flesh, otherwise the whole juice is flowing.
  • Then pull the large bone of dark color. You can do this in two ways. If you use lidch for cooking, then just squeeze the bone. At the same time, the pulp will burst, and the juice follows. Therefore, do it over a plate.
  • To keep the flesh whole, cut it in half and get a bone. Although it is soft, it should not be used, since it is possible toxic poisoning.
  • Most often, the fruit is used in fresh and pre-cooled. Due to the gentle taste, the lychee is added to the cocktails, make syrups for ice cream and desserts, and also boil sauces to meat dishes and fish.
  • Boiled pulp is added in the form of fillings for cakes, cakes or other confectionery products.
  • The lychee peel in the dried state is added to tea to give it a saturated sweet aroma.
  • Local residents even preserve the flesh of the fruit in the syrup. Or dried entirely and consume both nuts.

Traveling by the countries of the Middle Kingdom, be sure to try exotic fruit lychee with an unusual taste and mass of useful components for the body.

More clearly about how to clean and use lychee correctly, look at the video:

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