The useful property of the dicks

The useful property of the dicks

On the beneficial properties of dates can be heard infrequently. For most Russians, dates are just a delicious fruit. But the inhabitants of the East are confident that they have a whole number of therapeutic properties that strengthen health and prolong life.

It was found that the dates would increase immunity, eliminate colds, contribute to recovery from many diseases, normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the nervous system, increase potency, and are also very useful during pregnancy. Let's consider the healing properties of this fruit in more detail.

Improving immunity. The dates contain an incredible amount of useful vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, which are very important to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. They make healthy hair, teeth, nails, skin, eyelashes, etc. Regular consumption of this fruit increases physical performance, improves brain activity, metabolism and increases immunity.

Troubleshooting. In folk medicine from dates, various tinctures, syrups and ointments make. They help pain in the throat, with a cold, flu, tuberculosis, etc. You can independently make a decoction from the dates. You will need 12 dates and 600 ml of milk. Clean the dates from the bones and boil them in milk (about 30 minutes). When the mixture cool down a little, strain it. The decoction must be drunk in warm form.

Research from diseases. It was revealed that regular consumption of dates reduces the development of cancer and heart disease, and also kills dangerous bacteria. This is due to the presence of a large number of phenolic antioxidants. Also, the dates showed their effectiveness with anemia and anemia.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Date has the property of cleaning the body, so they are useful to use people with constipation. Also fruits contain many soluble and insoluble fibers, which stimulate digestion. It is worth noting that the consumption of dates eliminates heartburn. They include pantothenic acid, which neutralizes the gastric. The decoction of donomies with rice is very effective in the treatment of dystrophy.

Restoration of the nervous system. Thanks to the content of a huge amount of useful trace elements in the dates, serotonin is allocated in the body, as a result of which the mood is improved. It helps to bring the body from depression. It was also found out that dates are shown to children with an unstable psyche. In addition to serotonin, they produce melanin in the body - sleep hormone. For people suffering from nervous disorders, it is very important because most of them have problems with sleep. It is recommended to eat several fruits before bedtime.

Help during pregnancy. Dates must be included in the diet of pregnant women. They strengthen the muscle tissues of the uterus, facilitate childbirth and reduce bleeding after them. Also, the dates are also recommended to use after delivery, since together with Mother's milk, the child gets the necessary trace elements.

Increase potency. Date is included in the products needed to increase potency. It was found out that as a result of their regular use, the potency improves, the production of sperm increases and the reproductive function increases in general.

Contraindications. With all the positive properties, some people are advised to take dates only in small quantities. These include people suffering from diabetes and caries. Allergic predispositions are recommended to use dates carefully. It is worth noting that the dates are very calories, so those who are sitting on a diet should also have these fruits with great caution.

To quickly clean your body, improve the condition of the appearance, become more energetic and intensify mental activity, it is recommended to eat 10-15 fruits every day. Experts recommend to consume dates by courses - enter them into a daily diet for two weeks and take a break for several months.

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Kristina 14/11/2018 at 12:51

The dates are really a useful thing .... "My husband helped the quality of sperm improve! Just ate every day for 5-6 pieces and it was enough + of course, even the sperm attacked the doctor's prescription .... The results of such therapy did not wait long ago. that we will have a child)


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