Proper nutrition helps to adjust the weight, increase the benefit of physical exertion, and of course, strengthen health. All food that we use will carefully forms our body. Several important advice on the peculiarities of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will help eliminate many errors in the preparation of a daily diet.
Proper proteins
The human body is more composed of a protein, since it is the protein that performs a construction function that affects the hormonal background and the development of the necessary enzymes. The protein includes various amino acids, many of which are extremely important for the normalization of metabolism. At the same time, all proteins are divided into animals and vegetable.
Animals proteins
For animal proteins primarily include:
- meat;
- a fish;
- milk;
- eggs.
- These products contain maximum useful amino acids and have a high protein concentration.
- Excessive use of highly concentrated protein products increases the load on the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
- The presence of harmful substances, such as antibiotic, cholesterol.
Vegetable proteins
Plant proteins include:
- bean (beans, lentils)
- orekhi
- seeds
- cheese Tofu.
- soy milk.
- The correct combination of grain and legumes give full saturation of amino acids.
- Plant products instead of harmful components contain beneficial carbohydrates.
- The soysee is filled with phytoestrogens.
- The protein concentration is significantly lower.
Right fats
Fat - this is the vital force obtained by the body by absorbing special fatty amino acids. They also play a significant role in the assimilation of vitamins. However, vegetable and animal fats have different properties.
Vegetable fats
Products containing vegetable fats:
- vegetable oils;
- nuts;
- avocado;
- olives.
- Election of cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosis.
- Light assimilation due to a minor concentration of fats.
- Improved intestinal work.
- Maintaining the optimal fatty medium of the skin.
- The benefit is carried only untreated vegetable fats.
Animals fats
Products containing animal fats:
- meat products;
- a fish;
- dairy and dairy products;
- margarine;
- eggs.
- Fats dairy products are faster from the body.
- Animal fats overload the body due to the low content of amino acids.
- The number of animal fats should be two times less vegetable.
Indispensable fats
In a special category, fats fall, the useful value of which is extremely high, but they cannot be developed independently by the organism. Therefore, they can only enrich the body with food. The content of essential fats (omega 3) is present in the following products:
- wheat germ oil,
- walnut Oil,
- linseed oil,
- fish fat.
Right carbohydrates
For proper functioning of proteins and fats, carbohydrates are certainly required. In the body they are the main "energy". Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex, and are part of such products:
- fruits and vegetables,
- bread products
- cereals
- pasta,
- potato.
Specialists recommend to use complex carbohydrates more often, as they are rich in vitamins and all necessary trace elements to purify the body from toxins. They act in the form of insulin, cellulose, glycogen and starch, and are contained in lettuce, satellite, topinambur, cucumbers, cabarons, pasta, flour and bread.
Remember, the correct carbohydrates should be at least half a daily diet. The least can be used fats, but completely exclude them from the diet ineffectively. Therefore, divide them with proteins in favor of the latter. Be healthy!