Magnesium is an essential mineral substance responsible for many processes occurring in the body. For example, this is the construction and strengthening of bone tissues, muscle relaxation, the transfer of nerve impulses. In addition, magnesium is responsible for the integrity of the immune system, energy exchange and normal blood pressure. Natural products are the best and main sources of this useful mineral. So what products contain magnesium?
Seeds and nuts. This product group has the highest amount of magnesium among all possible natural sources. The leader in this group is pumpkin seeds. In total, 50 g of purified seeds - 185 mg of magnesium or about 45-50% of the daily consumption rate. Sesame seed and sunflower seeds are also rich in magnesium: 50 grams 126 mg or 30% of the daily rate. Tasty and nutritious cashews and almonds offer about 100 mg or 20% of the consumption rate. Brazilian and walnuts, peanuts also include magnesium, but to a lesser extent.
Beans and legumes. Black beans and soybeans are the best magnesium sources in this group. Each of them contains 200 g of about 30% of the daily need for magnesium. The remaining legumes are rich in magnesium from 15 to 25% of the daily consumption rate.
Vegetables and whole grains. The Swan, Spinach and Mangold are excellent sources of this indispensable substance. In one standard portion - that is, a small salad bowl contains about 150 mg of magnesium. Millet, buckwheat and brown rice also defend their place in the list of magnesium-containing products. Of 100 g of these grains, you can learn a quarter from the daily rate of magnesium. Artichokes, broccoli and tomatoes are delicious and very useful magnesium sources among vegetables.
Products of animal origin. The best representatives among fish in terms of magnesium content are the challenge and white halight. In a small portion (about 100 g) of the cooked fish there is 140 mg of magnesium, which is almost 35% of the daily need for magnesium. Beef, pork, cheeses and dairy products also include a small amount of magnesium.
Fruits and berries. It is believed that bananas contain a record amount of magnesium. This is not quite so. Magnesium in them, of course, is, but about 40 mg per 100 g of fresh product. In addition, magnesium is present in watermelons, black currant, blueberries, guava, strawberries and avocado.
Natural magnesium sources a large amount, it is necessary to include these products in your diet, and the need for synthetic vitamins will disappear.
The whole problem is that magnesium from products is practically not absorbed ... This is how the doctor says. Therefore, I usually advise you to take it from the outside. Take the same magnesium chelats Evalarovsky, for example. The form of an easy-to-see, cheaper analogs will be, and pregnant and nursing is allowed, which is also important. Only so you can focus your deficiencies.
The whole problem is that magnesium from products is practically not absorbed ... This is how the doctor says. Therefore, I usually advise you to take it from the outside. Take the same magnesium chelats Evalarovsky, for example. The form of an easy-to-see, cheaper analogs will be, and pregnant and nursing is allowed, which is also important. Only so you can focus your deficiencies.