In which products vitamin A

In which products vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the most significant active substances for our body. It has a positive effect on a state of view, cardiovascular and immune systems, hair, skin and nails, metabolic processes. Thanks to mine antioxidant The properties of vitamin A are considered to be the "younger" vitamin, and its participation in the development of the bone system is especially important for a children's growing body. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to recall that this vitamin must come to the body for its full functioning, including food. It is on what products contains such useful vitamin A, we will stop.

As an introductory part, we will relax a little physiological moments of "behavior" of vitamin A in our organism. Since it refers to fat-soluble substances, the optimal medium for his assimilation - fats, minerals and proteins. At the same time, thanks to the same life-solventness, Vitamin A is able to accumulate in the liver, which allows our body for some time to do without replenishing it from outside (according to some data - up to year).

Consider how to determine that the body is not enough vitamin A.  This may "say" the following signs: weakness, weakness, impact, deterioration of hair and nails, dry skin. In addition, frequent colds and infections may also cause the deficit of this vitamin. However, it is also not to get involved in its use, since its excess can be reflected both on the nervous system (infusion, increased irritability) and on the state of hair (loss), nails (fragility, fragility) and gums (sensitivity).

Now let's turn on what products to include in your diet to replenish the internal reserves of Vitamin A. from representatives of the plant world This solar vitamin contain it red-orange Representatives, or rather: carrots,  sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn, rosehip, rowan, tomatoes, persimmon, melon, peach, viburnum, dandelion, rowan, apricot, pumpkin, hawthorn, pepper. Also vitamin A is as part of sorrel, green onions, broccoli, dill, salad, celery.

However, the richest sources of vitamin A are still products of animal origin, the record holder among which is fish oil. A lot of this active substance is also contained in egg yolks, liver (especially chicken), fish Icrea,  beef kidney. Also rich in vitamin A whole milk, solid and melted cheeses, fermented milk products (cream, margarine, butter, sour cream, yogurt), and in this case its content directly depends on the fatty products - the greater the percentage of fat content in the product, the greater in It is vitamin.


Recall both several nuances of the proper use of products containing vitamin A. The optimal option - vegetables and fruits in the form of salads with fat-consistent refueling. It should be remembered that the storage of these outdoor products reduces the content of vitamins in them. Thermal processing has the same action - it reduces the number of retinol by 20-40%.


Boose and how much vitamin A should go to our body. Experts recommend the following daily doses of this vitamin: a child - 400-600 μg, a teenager - 800-1000 μg, a man - 700-1000 μg, a woman - 600-800 μg, pregnant - 1000-1200 mcg, nursing - 1200-1400 μg. Depending on the weight, the physique, the state of the body and the category of work, these norms can be shifted upward or reduced.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to get vitamin A from food from food and costs, recent scientific studies have shown that the lack of this active element is not covered in this way. Therefore, in the case of vitamin A shortage, it is necessary to change not only its diet, but also to take pharmacy vitamin preparations.

Comments leave a comment
Oksana 07/08/2019 at 14:24

Thank you, very useful article. Even if the acute lack of vitamin A in the body, then I highly recommend to drink Palmitate retinol. It is perfectly absorbed, and the lack is quickly compensated. I know by myself, as a specialist prescribed him some time ago.


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