Although the nut paste is a long-known delicacy, the society still applies to this product ambiguously. Some are absolutely confident in its colossal benefit, due to the high content of easily digestible plant proteins and vitamins. Others declare the dangers of this product, referring to its high calorie. What is really a nut pasta and how good is it?
Useful properties nut paste
Walnut paste is crushed raw or roasted nuts (sometimes a mixture of different species) with the addition of salt, sugar, stevia extract, honey, spices and spices. The beneficial properties of pasta directly depend on the quality of the feedstock and production technology. Since nuts do not pass high temperature processing, their chemical composition after grinding is practically not changed.
Walnut paste contains such useful elements:
- Amino acids.
- Alimentary fiber.
- Fats.
- Choline.
- Starch.
- Vitamin complex: PP, B1, B5, B6, B9, C, E.
- Macroelements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium.
- Microelements: iron, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper.
Large nutritional value makes nut paste an indispensable breakfast dish. Proteins will give a sense of satiety for a long time, because it is digested quite for a long time. It helps to avoid unnecessary snacks on the go, while not sensing discomfort in the stomach.
A wide range of all the necessary amino acids serves as the prevention of different diseases. This nut mix is \u200b\u200bespecially useful for the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that one tablespoon of pasta per day reduces the probability of stroke by 15%.
Vitamins of group in perfectly regulate the work of the nervous system and most of the internal organs. They also stimulate the brain work and increase immunity. No wonder the nut paste is considered to be a national product in the United States and is recommended for children's breakfasts.
Regular use of pasta helps to increase the amount of protein in the body, which provokes active testosterone production and building muscle tissue. Therefore, the paste is useful for athletes and active people.
The main advantage of nut paste is the complete absence of carbohydrates. Despite the large caloric content (552 kcal / 100 g), the paste does not contain rapid carbohydrates and does not lead to obesity. In addition, the body spends much more energy to digest proteins than he gets instead.
Another excellent quality nut paste is its versatility in the kitchen. From it you can prepare a great toast, use as a stuffing for baking and even add to various dishes instead of butter.
Harmful properties nut paste
To talk about the exclusive benefits of nut paste, you can only considering the home cooking product. But the benefits of the store product do not have to speak. Not all manufacturers are worried about how much their goods are dangerous or useful. The presence of low-quality and low-grade nuts, dyes, flavors, transgenic fat and preservatives significantly reduces the usefulness of pasta.
Nuts often cause people allergies: from mild rash and ailment to anaphylactic shock. If the body is prone to such reactions, the nut paste can be very harmful to health.
Walnut pasta without a doubt very useful component of the daily diet. If you adhere to the balanced use of this product, it will definitely not bring harm.
peanut is a nut. Peanuts -bob grass.
From the point of view of nerds to call peanuts nuts wrong. He is leggings. Wikipedia.
Who calls Peanut Walnut -Nuch (Loch).