How to make peanut pasta

How to make peanut pasta

Shoplifting peanut butter is quite decent money. To enjoy its exquisite taste and at the same time save money, pasta can be cooked at home. It is very easy, but if the kitchen has a powerful blender or food processor with the "Grinding".

What is peanut butter and that it is necessary for her

Peanut paste can be salty, sweet and crunch. Crunches - are small whole pieces of peanuts, which are evenly distributed on the plastic mass.

To cook pasta, you will need:

  • roasted peanuts;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • honey;
  • cold boiled water;
  • various additives to taste.

These products are required for the manufacture of various types of pasta.

Peanut paste, salted

According to this recipe, you can make a paste of 250-300 grams of peanuts.

  • Roasted peanuts, clean from the husk. Put it in the bowl of a blender, turn the unit on the smallest speed.
  • After 1 minute, the speed increase and make it as long (gradually increase speed) until peanuts not turn into chips. If your blender is a function of "Turbo", then go for it. If not, then just grind peanuts to his wet - it can take 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Once peanut Crumb is moist, it begins to stand out from oil, pour half teaspoon of vegetable oil and odorless. Oil will become more homogeneous paste and plastic. Put together with the oil and some salt. Try to get a paste and if you think it is not very salty, add salt.
  • Peanut butter, even if it pour vegetable oil, can get a little dryish. It depends on the blender speed and power. To make the product more pliable, pour into a paste 1-2 tablespoons cooled boiled water.


Peanut paste is sweet

Make this pasta in exactly the same way, but add only a couple of spoons of liquid honey to the ground wet peanut. If the paste is not very plastic, pour a spoonful of water.

Peanut paste with cranes

50-70 g Peanut Militate to a major crumb. Personalize it in a saucer, and the remaining 250 peanuts fall into the blender bowl. Make salt or sweet pasta. Put it in a plate and mix with pieces of peanuts.

Peanut paste with all sorts of additives

For such types of peanut pasta, prepare a neutral basis. It is understood that it does not need to put vegetable oil, nor salt nor honey. For plasticity, pour only a little water. Then you can add to the neutral paste:

  • black chocolate melted on a water bath - 50-70 g;
  • chopped walnuts;
  • seeds of sesame.

How to store peanut pasta

Finished paste put into a suitable jar or food container and store it in the refrigerator. Remove before use and give 5 minutes to stand on the kitchen table. In warm, it softens a little and will be easy to smell on sandwiches.

What is the peanut pasta

Peanut paste traditionally use with fresh bread or crispy toasts. With it, sandwiches are made: bread - paste - other products. Under other products meant: jam, fresh berries, pieces of bananas, etc. - This is combined with sweet or neutral paste. Salted pasta is perfectly combined with greens, fried bacon, fresh onions rings.

Peanut paste is suitable not only for sandwiches. It turns out an excellent marinade for grilled meat or fish (salty paste you need to breed with water and add any spices). With paste, you can cook wonderful spaghetti. For this, pasta are boiled to the state of Al Dente (slightly underestimated) and after draining water from them, such products are added: neutral paste (1 tbsp.), Soy sauce (1/2 C.L.), lemon juice (1 Ch.L.). Decorate this dish better chopped green onions, which very well emphasizes the peanut flavor of the sauce.

Comments leave a comment
Maksim 03/04/2017 at 8:41.

Friends Do not listen to this nonsense ... and never add water in the manufacture of peanut paste, you just spoil everything ... only an idiot author could come to the head


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