Dry milk is normalized by fat, and then a cow's milk dried in special devices, an externally resembling a dry white powder with a cream tint. The purpose of the production of such a product is to reduce the volume of milk and extend its shelf life to 6 months. Especially popular with such milk in the regions, where it is impossible to regularly import fresh milk products. Also, dry milk is often used in cooking to prepare pancakes, porridge, cakes, sausages and different desserts.
Dry milk - product features and its varieties
Mass production of milk powder began in 1855. The developed milk evaporation technology provided moisture loss to 85% and extension of the storage period of up to 8 months while compliance with the temperature regime (0-10 ° C). In this case, flavoring properties, aroma and chemical composition remained initial.
Dry milk is produced by several types:
- One piece - after dilution, it is completely identical to the composition of fresh cow's milk and is intended for nutrition.
- Disciphetic - milk fat is removed before drying milk. Used powder in industrial production and dietary, sports nutrition.
- Institable - suitable for making cappuccino, coffee with milk.
Dry milk by 50% consists of carbohydrates, and the rest of the mass is a mixture of proteins and minerals.
How to breed dry milk - basic rules
Although many of us often use dry milk, few people know that it is necessary to breed it in a clear scheme, but not to the eye. Of course, by purchasing the packaging of this product, you will find a few-sealing instructions, where the optimal combination of milk and water is indicated in the 1: 3 ratio. But to achieve a good taste need a little more than just breed a milk powder.
How to breed dry milk:
- To obtain 1 l of high fat milk (more than 3%), you need 8 h. Powder. If milk is required 2.5% fat, the number of milk spoons need to be reduced to 6.
- To begin with warm water to 60 ° C.
- Measure the required number of spoons and pour into deep containers.
- Then slowly pour water into the milk powder, and not the opposite. So you will prevent the formation of lumps.
- Stir the mixture to completely dissolve the dry concentrate.
- Give the cooked milk to breed about 10 minutes.
How to breed dry milk - common mistakes
Often, during the dilution of milk, irreparable errors leading to the spoilage of the product are performed. Their knowledge will help properly use dry milk without loss.
- The use of cool water does not allow the dry powder to completely join the reaction with water. As a result, the milk will have lumps and water taste.
- Powder breeding boiling water also leads to failure, as the milk will come.
- Mixing water with a powder with a blender provokes foam formation, and if the milk is fat - separation of dairy fat.
- Making powder into water. Such a sequence will not allow milk to dissolve, and you will get multiple solid lumps.
The thickness, fat content and saturation of milk from the powder can be varied depending on what purpose you needed. Each gram is not needed to be calculated, the main thing is to adhere to the technology of the process itself and then you will always have delicious milk.
Causes a big doubt that from 8 teaspoons of milk you can get a full one. It will be a slight muddy driver. 8 teaspoons of milk is about 15-20 grams weight. So, about 50 liters of liquid milk can be obtained from 1 kg of dry milk. At the cost of dry milk, about 300 rubles per kilogram, then the cost of milk is about 6 rubles per liter. Why is it then in the store cost more than 10 times?
The complete inconsistency-on the one hand is the optimal distribution of 1: 3 that is, 330g. Dry milk must be divorced in 1000ml. (clause 2) On the other hand, it is recommended to breed from the calculation of 8 teaspoons on the same 1000 ml. What nonsense you carry
i heard the ringing Yes, do not know where it is 8-9 not tea and tablespoons of milk.
Do not mislead people.
Always laundry so 100g. Milk powder 900ml. water. It is also written in the instructions from the manufacturer. I buy a bag of the manufacturer. It turns out 29 rubles. Litter. In stores on 120 rub. liter and in most such a dizziness. Palm oil may be there. Do not regret