How to choose a grenade

How to choose a grenade

Pomegranate is the most ancient fruit that has been known to mankind. This exotic fruit is considered one of the most easily accessible. Pomegranate fruit size with an apple, and the color of the peel can vary from yellow-orange to reddish-purple. Fruit juice is a unique base for drinks, sweet dishes and sauces. Grenades are full of minerals and antioxidants, such as polyphenols, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. When choosing a fetus, it takes a little longer than time and effort than to buy other fruits.

Check the size of the grenade. Ripe fruit will be a little more orange, but less than grapefruit. It should be slightly square shape, it means that the grains are tight pressed to the outer walls of the fetus and filled with juice. If the grenade of the rounded shape, like an apple, is a sign of immaturity and it is better not to buy it.

The ripe grenade peel should be bright or dark red and have a glossy look. The darker and deeper the color, the sweeter will be your fruit. The light pink tone usually indicates a unripe and dense fruit.

Look at the top of the fetus. If small petal appendages at the top are slightly rotated to the sides and dried, your pomegranate is completely ripe.

Ripe grenade during the selection should be harder than other fruits. This is a sign that it is ripe and filled with juice. Put a few fruits on the scales and select the one that heavier.

Slightly spend  finger on the surface of the grenade. The fruit peel should be smooth and dense. Put the grenade back if you notice any cracks or stains, which means that the selected fruit is damaged or reheated. Any stains can signal that the grains of fruit inside dried slightly.

Long scratch the grenade peel with your nail. If it is difficult to do, then you have a mature fruit in your hands.

Choose only hard fruits. The softness of the grenade indicates that it breaks or frozen under the hour of transportation.

If it is possible, it is better to cut and try one fruit when buying.

Grenades can be kept in the refrigerator to six months. To do this, put them in an airtight package and keep in the freezer. Fresh pomegranate juice has a shorter storage period - only two to three days.

Holding to the above rules, you can easily choose a juicy and ripe fruit.

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