No matter how smartly did not look a coffee maker or coffee machine - a real gourmet will choose coffee cooked in the Turk. The true connoisseur distinguishes the taste and aroma of the Divine Drink prepared in this dish. Turk (Dzhezva) is a vessel having different shapes, sizes and is currently manufactured from different materials. Choose the best.
Choose a turkie from iron if you want it to serve as a little longer. It will not break, it is easy to wash. Coffee men who do not begin their day without a cup of coffee, give the first place to the Turks made from copper. The reason for this is the uniform thermal conductivity of the material and very narrow neck. What is very important and is the key to the appearance of strong and thick foam. Inside, such a Turk must have a layer of food tin, so that copper does not hit the drink.
The traditional, historically established type of jams - clay. Experts argue that only in such a dishes can be obtained truly unique flavor, exquisite taste and saturation of coffee. If you want exactly such a Turk, remember that the best material for it is Chinese Isinsk clay. She has one disadvantage: thanks to its too porous structure, it strongly absorbs the aroma of coffee, so it is necessary to use the same variety when cooking coffee or buy them in your arsenal a few pieces.
The most versatile Turk is ceramic. Suitable for different varieties of coffee. The quality of the coffee prepared in it will not cause complaints. High-class coffee in a ceramic turkey is obtained due to its thick walls. It is necessary to be very attentive with cooking coffee, the boiling point in it remains for a long time, after the Turku removed from the fire, the coffee continues to boil. In addition, it is characterized by fragility, as well as the clay Turk.
When choosing a good Turk, pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also on its handle and shape. Best if the handle is made of wood. She does not spend warm - it will fight your hands from the burn. If the handle is removed, then such a turku will be easier to wash after use. Most of all will be pleased with the quality of the beverage Turk with a narrow neck and a wide bottom. Size - preferably one or two cups. In large turks, it is impossible to achieve such saturation of coffee.
Select the Turku, which will delight you with coffee, welded in an old way. Remember that no Turkue from which material it will be made should not be washing with detergent. The longer it uses it for making coffee, the stronger it absorbs his fragrance. It means that the drink will be all the magnificent every time.