How to choose a mattress for a newborn

How to choose a mattress for a newborn

Children spend most of the first years of their lives in bed. Therefore, it is so important to surround them with warmth, comfort, comfortable conditions and ensure safety. The most important prerequisite for a good sleep is a high-quality mattress. His choice for a new family member is a responsible step.

Carefully check the matching mattress size of a baby bed. The mattress should fit tightly to the walls of the bed. Most cots and mattresses are manufactured in standard sizes (60 x 120 cm), but there are still exceptions.

Select a moderately hard mattress. It helps to reduce tensions in the muscles of the body, provides orthopedic support for the spine, improves blood circulation in the child. Soft bedroom surface can be a source of risk of a baby suffocation. Gently press on the mattress and appreciate the power of pressing. The more resistance, the stronger the mattress and it is better suited for a newborn.

Decide with the type of mattress. There are two main types: spring and flawless. Both species, if they are good quality, keep their shape well and provide excellent support for the children's body. Spring mattresses, as a rule, are more expensive, heavy and durable.

Examine all components of the mattress. The filling of the mattress consists of basic and additional layers. The first carry the main load on the weighing, the second give rigidity or "airiness". They can be represented by felt, artificial environmentally friendly non-woven, latin, coconut fiber, latex, hollofiber. Give preference to mattresses that are made of fully natural or organic materials.

Check the mattresser. Consider the seams on reliability and continuity. The multilayer coating will provide the greatest durability and strength to children's mattress. Some covers in the manufacturing process acquire water-repellent, antimicrobial and hypoallergenic properties.

Make sure the mattress has been certified. The goods must comply with the established safety and hygiene standards.

Inspect the mattress for the presence of ventilation holes. Look for small valves on the sides. They allow air to freely circulate and avoid the concentration of unpleasant odors.

Find warranty information. Be sure to ask the seller the presence and duration of the warranty period for the goods. The warranty in 6 months should be at least alert.

Think about the cost. Children's mattresses should not be very expensive to be durable, safe and comfortable. Be prepared to spend from $ 75. You can spend $ 400, but it is not necessary that you will get more optional functions.

When developing a newborn, it is very important to pay attention to the smallest elements. For a strong and healthy sleep baby, a comfortable mattress is indispensable. These are parental investments in the comfort, safety and health of their child.

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