How to choose a pillow

How to choose a pillow

Strong enough sleep helps replenish spent energy per day, renewal of the body, and therefore, has a direct bearing on health, beauty, mood and ability to work. Therefore, the quality of sleep organization needs to be taken responsibly. In addition to design bedroom design, selection of a comfortable bed and a comfortable bed linen, recommended to choose the right pillow.

The choice of form pillow. The well-known classic rectangular or square pillow with a correct choice will be quite easy to use. However, it is becoming increasingly popular orthopedic pillows. They are made with latex filler. Have a special recess for the head and side bolsters. Such a shape facilitates the correct position of the cervical spine.

pillow size. Manufactured cushion of 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm. The width and length of the pillow does not affect the comfort and sleep quality, is selected by preference.

The height of the pillow. Height manufactured pillows varies from 6 to 17 cm For most people the optimum height -.. 10-15 cm higher pillow is required for people with broad shoulders, lovers sleep on your side and who prefer soft mattresses.

Filler materials. Use natural and synthetic fillers. There are advantages and disadvantages in each form. Pillows with natural filler can cause an allergy, it is difficult for them to care for, may wind up in some insects. Pillows filled with artificial hypoallergenic, unpretentious care, cost an order of magnitude lower than natural. But confuses them "synthetic character." Natural fillers pillows:

  • feathers and down;
  • sheep's wool;
  • silk;
  • wool;
  • natural latex;
  • natural herbal fillers (grass, buckwheat husks, rice).

Artificial fillers for pillows: komforel, silicone, foam (filler "memory effect"), sintepon, holofayber.

Choosing a pillow, take into account your own preferences and habits. Sleep should bring relaxation and peace. Even the most expensive and correctly chosen pillow can cause discomfort simply from "inappropriate" or not to approach the selected posture during sleep. When buying a product, be sure to listen to the store consultant advice, but make a choice yourself, given the personal qualities and wishes.

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Irma 13/10/2021 at 20:56

When I had a dream problem, I also sinned on the pillow. Which only did not take themselves and orthopedic, and simple, and with buckwheat filling ... there was still no equal. So far, it simply did not start warm baths before going to bed, clean the gadgets and dissolve the Evalarov express formula of sleep. I ordered a phytomarket in the online store by the way. Just a miracle pills, drinking water unnecessary and the composition is completely natural. Anyone who is with falling asleep, I advise 100%.

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