How to choose heating radiators for an apartment

How to choose heating radiators for an apartment

Any dwelling, be it an apartment, or a private house, can be truly cozy and warm when it has a high-quality source of heat. Only then will be achieved comfortable air temperature for man. Therefore, lately, the Soviet cast iron is trying more and more often to replace with a more modern "source" of heat. We will help you choose exactly what you need.

To approach the choice of heating radiator, it should be correctly, carefully to avoid errors, because here there are subtleties and nuances. Let's try to figure them out.

Main types of radiators

Consider the main types of radiators, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Steel. Compact enough, have a small wall thickness. For steel radiators, good heat transfer is characteristic (which makes their use fairly effective), corrosion resistance. In addition, they have a fairly attractive design. But there is a couple of "but": steel radiators do not withstand powerful hydrowards (their maximum - 7-8 atmospheres) and "fear" the presence of oxygen, which is the usual phenomenon in apartments with centralized heating. Therefore, such radiators are advisable to use in a country house.
  • Aluminum. The leader of the Russian market in view of several reasons: appearance, good heat transfer, low weight and design feature. Models of Italian production, such as Global ISEO 500 and the domestic product - Rifar Alum 500, are most popular. Both models are worthy "representatives" in their form. But, like steel, aluminum radiators have a significant disadvantage: their design provides direct contact with the coolant, and this means that water with high acidity is simply "eating" them from the inside. This option will be optimal for individual heating, or private houses.
  • Bimetallic. Perfect choice for centralized heating networks. Constructions consisting of two metals: steel (pipes) and aluminum (ribs). They have a number of undeniable advantages: not "fear of" hydrowards, have a very high heat transfer, resistant to corrosion, look very aesthetic. Externally, they are very similar to aluminum, but their value is somewhat higher. The quality of the popularity is leading again the radiators of Italian production, the Global Style 500 and Sira RS Bimetal model does not lag behind them the "brainchild" of domestic production - Rifar Monolit 500.
  • Cast iron. Old good cast iron. Of course, we are not talking about the radiators of Soviet times, but about modern stylish "keepers" heat. Why not? After all, this metal has the best performance among all submitted: high heat transfer, "immunity" to oxygen and pressure drops in heating pipes, corrosion resistance and, which is important, treated surface (no longer have to periodically update its appearance).

Heating radiators selection parameters

So, sorting out with the varieties of heating radiators, you can make an approximate "picture" of the parameters that the heating element must match:

  • The radiator pressure should be above 15 atmospheres (this means that the working and test pressure of the system in the house will be about 5-10 atmospheres).
  • Resistance to hydrowards. Very important moment, since the pressure in the apartment heating systems "Rides" constantly.
  • Weak corrosion exposure. The quality of water flowing in heating systems leaves much to be desired, so the heating radiator must be resistant to its destructive actions.
  • High heat transfer.
  • Duration of service.

Let's sum up

We found out that neither steel nor aluminum is suitable "for aggressive" heating systems. Only two options remain: cast iron and bimetal. Choosing between the first and second, pay special attention to small parts: the presence of the thermostat, the sizes of the pipes, the design of the design, etc. And of course, focus on your budget: bimetallic radiators are clearly "pulled" for a large amount.

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