Batteries flowed - what to do

Batteries flowed - what to do

Without heating radiators, it is impossible to imagine any apartment. They carry warm and comfort to the house, allowing us to warm up cold winter evenings. But at the same time, heating radiators require a careful relationship, otherwise they can cause numerous problems, the main one is leakage. Since water in batteries are under high pressure, any, even the most insignificant leakage at first glance can quickly turn into a full-fledged catastrophe. To avoid this, you need to be prepared for such troubles and know what to do if the battery flowed.

In case of leakage detection, all your further actions are directly dependent on its value. If the leakage is small and water only wakes up or dripping - find a vessel that could be used to collect it. It is best for this purpose a wide plastic basin or bucket. If the leakage is strong and water from the battery sprinkles in different directions - find a dense heavy tissue or an old unnecessary blanket. Cover the place of leakage and hurt them. Remember that the water in the battery is very hot, try to act very carefully and carefully. Of course, this method will not eliminate leakage, but protects your gender, walls and ceiling from hot moisture. Because of which your wallpaper, parquet, linoleum or laminate are not affected and they will not need to change after eliminating breakage in the battery.

Any repair of heating radiators should be preceded by a complete shutdown of water. Depending on the degree and the type of breakage, the small repair of the heating radiator can be carried out independently. The most common type of breakage, which is accompanied by leakage - damage to the sealing elements. To replace them, you will have to make a complete or partial disassembly of the heating unit, depending on the location of the leakage. To do this, with the help of the key, disconnect the supply tubes from the radiator body. Remove it from the mounts and put on the floor. Disconnect the radiator housing at the leak place and replace rubber seals. Collect the battery back and install it in place. If you disassemble the battery is not possible - a piece of rubber will come to your aid. Tightly wrap her place of leakage and secure on the battery with a wire or a strong thread. If you have a clamp in the farm, intended for such purposes, this method of repair will help you not only wait for the arrival of emergency service, but also to eliminate the flow for a long time.

If the batteries in your home are made of a material other than cast iron, eliminate the flow using an ordinary self-press by screwing it into the place of water. If the place of leakage is intersection sectors, it is not easy to get to which - use the bandage impregnated with glue. It is best for these purposes an epoxy or any other moisture and heat-resistant adhesive composition. Tightly wrap the bandage the leak place and fix it with the thread. These repair methods are very short-lived and can only be applied as a temporary measure for the period of waiting for the arrival of the experts caused.

If the cause of the leakage has become worn pipes or batteries - the best option will be the full replacement of the heating system, and not just an emergency part. Having done it, you will protect yourself and your neighbors from possible troubles later. This repair will require not small financial costs, but it is worth it.

Battery leak is an unpleasant and extremely unwanted, but knowing the information set out in this article, you will be able to cope with it and calmly wait for those caused by specialists to carry out full-fledged repair.

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