How to choose a toilet

How to choose a toilet

Start the selection of the toilet is to search for stores specializing in plumbing equipment. After you have found a suitable store with a fairly wide assortment of toilet bowls, go there. And armed with these recommendations with ease, decide on the choice.

How to choose a toilet properly - Price

  • Low price. The cost of the toilet does not exceed 5,000 rubles. The budget option is suitable for each user. For such a sum, you can buy a sufficiently high-quality toilet classical form. Major manufacturers of such toilets Poland, Ukraine, China, Russia.
  • Average price. The cost of the toilet comes up to 20,000 rubles. Such a toilet may be equipped with a silent tank filling, special drain buttons that can be found with weak lighting. Warranty on the toilet bowls with an average price will be higher than on cheap toilets.
  • High price. The cost varies and can reach 150 thousand rubles and more. Such toileties can be equipped with electronics, water heated, several wicker modes, automatic air flavors, etc. Known producing countries toilets elite class - it's Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Japan.

How to choose a toilet - material

  • Fayans is the most common material for toilet bowls. Compared to porcelain, softer and loose.
  • Porcelain is very solid, dense like glass. Less absorbs dirt and smells, it is better to clean and durable earthenware. The cost of the porcelain toilet bowl above, but for the type of look almost the same.

How to choose a toilet - design

  • Hanging toilet or wall. All plumbing pipes of this type of toilet hidden in a bathroom wall, which gives a clean and neat appearance. Get this toilet can only pro.
  • Floor toilet. This toilet is a proven design. The toilet is attached to the floor, the drain tank is not hidden in the wall and is in free access.

In the modern world, many plumbing stores, which present a giant number of model toilet models from various manufacturers. The choice must be done in accordance with your preferences and financial capabilities.

When choosing a toilet bowl always need to remember that this is the thing in the house that is used daily. Therefore, the toilet must be reliable, durable, comfortable and fit into the bathroom interior.
The choice is yours!

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