As it is persimmon

As it is persimmon

With the onset of autumn and winter on the shelves of stores, persimmon appears, and lovers are in a hurry to enjoy this delicious fruit. There are those who do not understand the taste of persimmon and never uses it in food. And in vain, because the persimmon contains a lot of useful substances that are so lacking in the winter season.

For the taste of persimmon to you like, you need to use only ripe fruits. Many mistakenly believe that bright orange fruit, although solid, has already matured. And a soft persimmon is considered overripe and do not buy. But on the contrary, it is the ripe persimmon that becomes soft and slightly transparent. It was then that it gets rid of a substance that makes her taste of tart and binders.


The persimmon is mainly used in the fresh form - in this form it will bring more benefits and very tasty. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the fruit, remove the fruit, if desired, remove the skin. The latter is not necessarily, although it can a little to improve the taste, since it is in the skin that there is a lot of tannin giving viscosity. You can simply eat the fruit, and you can cut and add to salads, cream, yogurt, ice cream.


Persimmune can be improved. It is better not to cook it, as its tart astringent taste can appear sharper. But it is perfectly suitable as a filling for cottage cheese casserole, cheesery. You can cook with sauce or puree. They will become an excellent addition to any dessert.


Since the persimmon tropical fruit and often grows in hot countries, it can often try as the main component of the cervix - drinks from fruits, cream, sugar and ice. Also from the persimmon, you can cook a drink - grind a blender and add some water and lemon juice: the first for the desired consistency and the second to prevent the oxidation of the juice in the air.


The persimmon is dried and made from it candied candied. To do this, choose the most elastic fruits, purified from bones and peel, cut them with circles or slices and dried in the oven at + 40-45 degrees. Since the persimmon contains a large amount of sugar, then the pieces are obtained by sweet and very fragrant, slightly covered with white-rich sugar.


It is impossible to use persimmon to people suffering from obesity, as well as children under three years. Also, it is also categorically impossible to combine persimmune with milk or cold water. In this case, in the stomach, it forms a sticky com and violates the processes of digestion.


Sweet and tasty persimm with proper storage can be touched by the whole winter, the best source of vitamins and do not come up. Use persimmune with fresh, as well as delight close to pie with this fragrant fruit, this will avoid seasonal avitaminosis and meet the spring in a great mood.

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