How to cook marzipan at home

How to cook marzipan at home

Marzipan is a sweet and fragrant dessert, originally from France and Italy. Famous still from old fairy tales, marzipan is an elastic thick mixture cooked from a grated almond and sugar. Marcipania mass allows you to work with it, like with plasticine, decorations for cakes, various figures, make candy. Marcipan is easy to cook at home, this sweetness will have to taste your households.

In order to prepare a marzipan, you will need a fresh sweet almond - 500g and sugar shock - 200g. There is an old secret in the preparation of a real marzipan - for the fragrance and saturation of taste to sweet almond, it is recommended to put some gantke nucleols. But since it is difficult to get on sale, you can replace with almond essence.


With almond nuts, it is necessary to remove the skirt. To do this, it should be soaked in water, best in hot boiled, or peak in a boiling one minute. Roll into the almonds in the colander and after it stands water, lay out onto the board. Now the skin with almond nuclei is removed very easily - just pressing with two fingers, and they will be cleaned. Purified kernels rinse and fry on a dry frying pan up to 15 minutes, stir all the time.

Fasted almond kernels shred in a blender to the state of powder. From sugar and water, weld the thick syrup, which should be sticky and drum. Put the almond mixture into the syrup and still see a few minutes. Then we lay out the finished mass on the board, sprinkled with sugar powder, and roll around the rolling pin. Marcipania mass is ready - you can sculpt from it, cutting it into pieces or turn the roll.

There is an easier way to prepare marzipan masses. Prepare almonds, as in the previous recipe, then you need to finely grind it in a blender with sugar, in proportion of 3 to 1. Cognac or liquor is put in the almond-sugar powder, a little lemon juice, stirred and work with the resulting raw materials.

If your marzipan is too dense, dilute it with warm water, and if it is too liquid and does not matter - add sugar powder to it. Store marzipan should be wrapped in the food film, it quickly dries and loses his sticky quality.

Nuances for making marzipan Great set. It is put on a raisin, walnuts, delicious, it turns out with the addition of cocoa powder, with zucats or dried fruits. It is also well painted with food dyes, multicolored bright marzipan dessert very likes to children. Candies are made of it, it is covered with chocolate, used as a stuffing, or on the contrary, they put inside the marzipan mass of nuts, cookies or pieces of fruit. In a confectionery case, it is widely used as a food decor - from it the whole works of art, which are not only beautiful, but also tasty. And the marzipan is a rich source of vitamin E for the body.

Cooked from natural products, sweet, fragrant and delicious, homemade marzipan - excellent festive dessert, as well as space for your culinary fantasy.

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