How to pollinate lemon

How to pollinate lemon

Lemon tree is quite easy to grow. It is only worth putting a bone, and most likely she will germinate. But get the fruits at home - the case is very troublesome ... But how much pleasure will bring a truly crown of an independent lemon. It is important to know that the lemon flowers are cut, that is, the marking on the tree can be formed and independently. But in this case, the fruits will be few, in addition, there will be no seeds in not polled fruits.

To allow flowering and lemon fruiting is recommended only for a mature plant. At the same time, there should be no less than 20 full-fledged leaves, otherwise the fruiting is a lemon tree, and it may die. If the plant is strong enough to be fruit, let the flowers bloom and wait a couple of days.

Before embarking on pollination, it is necessary to create suitable conditions - air humidity not lower than 70%, the temperature is about 25 degrees above zero.

"Arm yourself with a soft tassel, a piece of fur or cotton wand. Gently spend on the stamens of one flower, collecting pollen and transfer it to the other pestle. We carry out the procedure with all the flowers. If you are not sure if the plant was pollinated, look at the pestle through a magnifying glass and "for loyalty" repeat the operation the next day.


It makes sense to take advantage of the special biological preparations "Bud", "marking" or others. They stimulate the formation of fruits with weak growth of the wound.

You can easily easily. Ripens lemon about 180-230 days. Ripe the fruit of intensively golden color. Please note that after ripening the lemon does not fall out, but continues to grow, but at the same time, increasing in the amount, its taste worst. Therefore, do not make a harvest!

Under favorable conditions, lemon blooms and fruits all year round. At the same time, simultaneously on the tree can be both maritime fruits and ripe fruits.



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