How to grow out of the cutter

How to grow out of the cutter

Thuja - evergreen decorative coniferous tree. Refers to the family of cypress. Plugging in two ways: seeds and cuttings. But seeds are longer, and decorative qualities are not saved!

The stalk is a weird, 2-3-year-old escape, about 10-20 centimeters long. It is better not to cut off, but to turn off the main branch so that the "heel" remains is a small piece of wood. Cuttings for rooting are cut in June.

Cooking the Earth. To do this, mix in equal shares of the turf, sand (better river), peat. We process it with a solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).

The cuttings are planted in greenhouse, having previously treated with rhoin or heteroacexin. The depth of the landing of the cutter is 1.5-2.5 cm.

In the greenhouse, it is important to maintain a permanent humidity without oveute the soil. For this, irrigate or spray seedlings.

After rooting the cuttings, we begin to handle them with frequent ventilation. We reduce watering and process the seedlings of fungicides.

With the onset of cold weather in November, the seedlings insulate the leaves, fir cheese, sawdust. When the temperature drops below -5 degrees, they are additionally covered with film.

In the spring, we remove the insulation, throw away the missing cuttings, we are swinging good. Not all types of tuy have a good level of rooting.

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