Fluffy fruit, peach, not only very tasty, juicy and fragrant, but also useful. Peach contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. No wonder that this plant is one of the oldest, which is cultivated by a person. And even though the peach tree is quite capricious, it is possible to grow it in my garden, even from ordinary bone.
For the cultivation of a tree you need to take bones from juicy and ripe peaches. Unreasonable, surpassed and retained fruits are not suitable. Also it is worth planning only those peaches whose varieties in your area, because "Aliens" may not take care. It is necessary to plant a bone in the ground until she dried. And you can prepare a bone, pre-showing in water for several days, changing water twice a day.The first fruits you can enjoy in 3-4 years. Keep in mind the exact copy of the fetus from which the bone was taken, you probably do not get. When graveing \u200b\u200ba peach with a bone is usually obtained "semi-tricaries". It is possible to solve the problem by vaccinating.