Apricot is an extremely demanding and thermal-loving tree, but at the same time not less desirable for many gardeners. If you provide him with the right care, then the apricot tree can be grown even in the middle lane of Russia.
Very often, for planting trees, they prefer to buy ready-made seedlings, but apricots grown from the bone, much more chances for survival, and their descendants are obtained more adapted to local climate and soil conditions and often exceed their parents on taste quality and the size of the fetus. It is also undesirable to pre-extension apricot in a pot, because the seedlings that are spoiled by the home-made conditions can subsequently not withstand frosts.
For planting, choose varieties that grow in your area. Such varieties such as Lel, Zeus, Alyosha, Aquarius, Countess, Monastic, Spring and Iceberg triumph have proven. The fruits are better to take soft, ripe, so that the pulp is easily separated from the bone. It is desirable that they were somewhat, because only the strongest.
It is advisable to immediately choose a permanent place to grow trees, because Apricot does not like transplants. Choose high, illuminated, warm plot, protected from draft, not closer than 3 meters from the house. The tree will not grow in a lowland where cold air flows constantly accumulate. It is also important to consider that Apricot does not like wet places and grows poorly on a shot, heavy, clay soil. If the groundwater is closer than 2 m, the drainage consisting of rubble is desirable, a layer of 10-20 cm. For planting apricot, the soil mixture of peat, delicate earth and sand is optimally suitable - 1: 1: 1.
In the open ground apricots are best planted in the middle of autumn. With earlier crop, they risk becoming food for rodents. Previously, soak the bone in water at room temperature. Pop-ups immediately throw away - they are no longer suitable for growing. For apricots, a trench planting method is desirable, in which the soil is more enriched with oxygen. Bones put in a wet land by 6 cm deep. The distance between the crops should be at least 10 cm.
In the spring you will appear first sprouts. To protect them from birds and rodents, seedlings cover with plastic bottles with a cropped bottom. The soil is recommended to water abundantly, carefully breaking and flowing. In the second half of summer, the trees water only in the event of drought.
From one year old, apricot trees need trimming of dry and sick branches, which is carried out annually early in spring. Subsequently, shocked too long shoots, and extra - cut out "on the ring." Cuts must be smeared with Garden Varier or Kuzbaslak. Fruit trees in spring feed the organic fertilizers. Comprehensive fertilizers with potassium, manganese, iron and boron are also well suited.
Although apricot and self-polling culture, but it is desirable to have at least 2-3 tree on the site. In the spring it is recommended to spray apricot flowers with sweet water or honeymath to attract insect pollinators. In the late autumn trees, whiten, carefully painting the stans and the main skeletal branches. In the lime, be sure to add a copper vigor.
Apricot care - the occupation of troublesome and time consuming, but the trees grown out of bone are less demanding. And after 5-7 years, they will give you the first fruits that will be the best reward for your work.