Stevia is a perennial plant from the Astrov family. Otherwise, it is called "Sweet Grass" or "Honey Leaves". Based on these names, it is easy to guess than the famous Stevia and why is widely used worldwide. Hundred years ago, the Indians of the Guarani tribe from Paraguay used her leaves to sweeten the tea Mate, and today this grass is evilver and can be grown at home.
Stevia is very unpretentious to the soil in which it grows. But she feels more comfortable in sandy or sand-containing soil. Clay or chernozem can be diluted with ordinary river sand, and such an environment will be favorable. To create ideal conditions, add to the sandy land fertilizer in the form of humus, turf or compost.
In the wild, Stevia multiplies with seeds, grooves, rustling of cuttings or the division of the bush. You can plant it yourself using two ways. The first - with the help of seeds from which seedlings rose. After two months, it can be planted in the prepared ground. Seeds are selected carefully, otherwise the expected result will not be released.
The second method is the cultivation of stevia with the help of cuttings, of which green seedlings are obtained. The stalk is part of a young plant and has a kidney and several leaves. Its size is usually 8-10 cm. Sutting off the escape, you must leave at least 2-3 sheets on the hemp. This will give Stevia to release new stems a few months later.
Cutted cuttings are put into the ground to a depth of about 5 cm and create a greenhouse effect, covered with a can or cellophane. During the week, they are abundantly watered and irrigated. Also, separated shoots can be painted in water or 1% sugar solution. For this, the cuttings put in an opaque glass with a liquid, so that the leaves do not touch it. Water must be changed daily. As in the first case, the effect of a greenhouse is created, and after 10-14 days, seedlings can be moved to the ground.
In May-June, when there is no risk of frosts and the daytime temperature rises above 15 degrees, and seedlings reached a mature age, it can be replaced from seaside tanks to a greenhouse or garden. Depending on the climatic zone, this event may have a scatter in 1-2 months. Transplant Stevia in the evening or not the sunny day of day. In the wells, a depth of 6-8 cm, plant one seedling at an optimal distance - 25-30 cm from each other.
After this work has been done, stevia fertilize and watered. After that, the beds are covered with a special film or polyethylene for 2-3 weeks. Stevia burns badly with weeds, so it is necessary to regularly pour and loose a bed. The arid air and the soil of this grass will also do not like, respectively, it is necessary to carefully follow this. Feelable to a humor, a cow or a compost every 2 weeks.
Growing Stevia at home, it is also necessary to create conditions for high humidity of air and soil. To do this, you can build a small greenhouse or just cover the pot with plastic plastic or glass cap. Wet climate, lack of wind and drafts, solar and warm space and constant temperature (approximately 25 degrees) - all this is the key to successful harvest.
The collection of stevia for use in our climatic conditions is approximately July-August. It is during this period that the first buds begin to appear. As a rule, it happens 3 months after sowing. The stalks are neatly cut on an altitude of about 7 cm from the ground and dried in a dry ventilated place. You can decompose the torn stepping on paper or hang out small ligaments down.
In the event that it is necessary to get seeds, then Stevia is collected at the end of August - mid-September. By this time, flower makers are darkened, which is a sign of ripening seeds. If you start collecting a crop before, then unhealthy seeds will continue not to give germs. And if you tighten, then overripe seeds will scatter around.
As soon as the first harvest is assembled, the roots of Stevia dig up before the onset of frosts and move in deep pots. For the state of rest until the spring, Stevia requires a strict temperature of 4-8 degrees and humidity of 80%. But you can already create greenhouse conditions again at home, and then the second harvest of sugar leaves matures to January. And by March these plants are suitable for uterine cuttings.
In Stevia there is a unique component - stevioside. He gives the leaves of a sweet taste. But despite this, it practically does not affect the state of glucose in the blood, so it can be used by people suffering from diabetes. Stevia is already actively used in East Asia and South America as a sacrarotener.