Mushroom Messel - Medical Properties, how to take

Mushroom Messel - Medical Properties, how to take

Hat mushroom Messel ordinary (lat. Phallus impudicus) - Gasteromycenet; refers to the order of adversible, phallus. The people are also known as: Damn Egg, Justle, Stormnik and Egg witches. The height of the mature mushroom can reach 30 cm; Diameter - about 6 cm. The fruit body has an ovoid shape. Messel - champion in growth rates. For 1 min. Mushroom can grow by 5 mm. You can meet the damn egg everywhere, both in Europe and the Caucasus, in the Spirital Forests of Siberia and the Far East. It grows from May to October both alone and families. Fallus has long been applied in folk medicine in dried form, in the form of tinctures on water and alcohol.

Mushroom Messel - Rules for collecting and blank

The mushroom is edible only in the stage of the egg and in the newly sprouted form. However, soon after the completion of the germination process, the cheering begins to start and is no longer suitable for collecting. The collected mushrooms do not wash, only thoroughly clean from the ground and sand. If you are going to dry ammunition, cut the mushroom egg in half and drive on the x / b thread. Slices should not come into contact. Dry mushrooms in a darkened, well ventilated place. Store dried ammunition is best in a closed glass jar for 2 years.

Mushroom Messel - Useful properties

The mushroom has a rich vitamin and mineral composition and many useful substances. Veel contains:

  • Active phytoncides are substances that help the body to resist various viruses, even as hepatitis, herpes, flu.
  • Polysaccharides enhance the production of lymphocytes and proteins of perforins - the main elements of the human immune system.
  • Phytosteroids enhance the production and synthesis of men's hormones.
  • Amino acids and minerals are purposefully affected by the skin, strengthen and improve its condition.
  • Antioxidants exempt the body from free radicals.

The mushroom has antihistamine properties, it helps in the occurrence of allergic reactions of various nature. On the basis of the ammunition, the ordinary drugs are made to combat AIDS. If you have a treatment with this mushroom correctly, starting with the collection process and ending with the reception, it will help cure any ailment that has arisen in the human body.

Mushroom Messel - how to take

One of the most effective mushroom dosage forms is vodka or alcohol tincture. For her preparation, take 50 g of fresh mushrooms, grind them, pour with vodka (250 ml), insist mushrooms for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator. Take a means of 1 tsp. 2 r. / D. Before meals. There is another drug admission scheme:

  • from 1 to 10 and from 15 to 24 days - 2 tsp. 3 r. / Day before meals. Stop the tincture of a spoonful of honey or drink 1 raw egg;
  • from 11 to 13 days and from 25 to 28 days Make a break;
  • 14, 29 day - 1 tbsp. 3 r. / Day before meals. After - also spoonful of honey or raw egg;
  • break - 2 weeks, then reception within 14 days according to the scheme 1-10 days.

To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, prepare the aquatic tincture of the amateur: 1 tsp Dry mushroom powder Fill 250 ml of hot water, insist the solution of about 8 hours in a dark place, then strain. Distribute the tincture evenly for 3 receptions per day before meals.

Mushroom Messel - how to take from cancer

Messel is a very effective means in combating various neoplasms and cancer cells. Collect the mushroom with the egg, wash, but do not wash. On 3 l. Vodka will need 6 mushrooms. Fold the dosage raw materials in the jar and pour vodka. Insist 10 d. In a dry dark place. Take 1 tbsp. Tincture 3 r. / day. After receiving - Drink a raw egg. As a cancer prevention - make salads from fresh mushrooms with sour cream.

Mushroom Messel - Contraindications

Use mushroom to food, as well as for therapeutic purposes it is impossible only in individual intolerance, during pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding.

Messel is a valuable and quite rare gift of nature. The mushroom has a high nutritional value and is able to help a person overcome almost any disease.

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