How to take bee submor

How to take bee submor

Bee submorsdorm is the bodies of the dead bees, who died their own death. It is a unique biological material with high healing properties. But how to use submority with various diseases?

Bee subormity - Composition and beneficial properties

The ability of the podmor to heal many diseases is substantiated by its composition. The most important components are considered apathoxin (bee poison), peptides, melanin, as well as acetic acid and heparin. The combination of these substances forms a special chitosan complex.

The basic properties of scratching bees:

  • Promotes the integrated cleansing of the body from harmful compounds.
  • Exhibits an anti-column effect even at high radiation doses.
  • It helps to reduce the weight by reducing the digestibility of fats.
  • It has hemostatic, detoxification and painkillers.
  • Chitosan contributes to the normalization of microflora in the intestine due to the activation of the growth of bifidobacteria and the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Thanks to heparin, submority reduces blood coagulation, enhances the coronary blood flow, improves the state of the vessels in varicose veins.
  • Melanin protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet light.
  • Apitoxin normalizes sleep and appetite, strengthens health.
  • Fitosterols establish the process of synthesis and accumulation in cholesterol tissues, and also serve as prevention of diabetes and atherosclerosis.

In addition, submority successfully treats such diseases:

  • Mastopathy.
  • Impotence.
  • Hypertension.
  • Eye disease.
  • Diseases of the joints.
  • Glice invasions.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Oncology.
  • Violation of the work of the gastrointestinal organs.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Diseases of ENT organs.

Bee Podmor - Contraindications

Bee subormity is not used in such cases:

  • Allergy to beekeeping products.
  • Exacerbation of thrombosis.
  • Anemia and severe blood diseases.
  • Violation of the psyche.
  • Heart aneurysm.
  • Any diseases of the liver or kidney.
  • Next to bleeding.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Increased permeability of vascular grid.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Bee submass - rules of use

With screaming bees prepare two forms of therapeutic drug:

  • For internal reception - alcohol tinctures, powder, water decoctions.
  • For external use - ointments and compresses.

Treatment by this means should begin with the full purification of the body. This process lasts at least a week and provides for the refusal of sweet, meat and flour dishes, semi-finished products, dairy products and an increase in the daily use of water.

The duration of treatment with subormal is 7 days, and in a year there are 4 full-fledged courses. The daily dosage depends on the concentration of the submore in the tincture or powder. In finished industrial preparations, you need to follow the doses recommended in the instructions. If a product of own production needs to be used 5-30 drops twice a day.

Treatment of bee subormal - recipes

The method of treating subormal depends on the cause of its use:

  • To increase immunity - 5 drops of tincture on 20 g of water 4 r. / Day.
  • From myopia - you need to fry 1-2 art. l. Podluor in oil 15-20 minutes. The cooled product is crushed and use 1 h. On the day 1 month.
  • To purify the liver - a tincture of 20 drops is taken three times a day for at least a month.
  • From prostatitis - 2.5 tbsp. l. Dry podluor need to pour 0.25 ml of water, bring to a boil and insist. Take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. Twice a day for a month.
  • For the treatment of sexual diseases - the decoction of 1 tbsp. l. In the morning and evening, drinking water with 2 tbsp. l. Honey. Course for 30 days.
  • With pain in the joints and thrombosis, the ointment is rubbed 1-2 times a day. To do this, you need to mix 20 g of the powder of the supply with a glass of olive oil.

Experienced primer consumers recommend to determine their dose of medication, separating their weight by 4. The resulting number will be equal to the number of one-time dose of the subport.

Comments leave a comment
Camila 07/13/2018 at 17:32

I have already heard many times about this treatment. The husband's erection disappears, the doctor appointed Effect Tribulus course, hop decoctions. It seems to be settled. I also want a bee pan try, if the previous treatment does not help.

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