Vitamins Aevit - how to take

Vitamins Aevit - how to take

Diets, stress, lack of sleep, frequent colds - all this can say that the body lacks vitamins. Important vitamins for women are Vitamin E and Vitamin A. The most popular vitamin beauty is "Aevit".

Aevit - vitamins of youth and vitamins of beauty. Why is this inexpensive product pay such a lot of attention? The fact is that it is a powerful drug that launches all metabolic processes in the body. After all, the lack of the most important elements - vitamin E and can lead to serious consequences. Vitamins are simply necessary to take women of any age. How to take Aevit - let's find out together.

Vitamins Aevit - composition, appointment

Vitamins are available in tablet form and are gelatin capsules round shape, yellow. Inside such a capsule contains an oily solution - a mixture of vitamins A and E.

What do these vitamins need:

  • Vitamin A - helps strengthen immunity, withstand various infections. We are needed for skin and maintaining in the normal state of mucous membranes. This vitamin helps to cope with such diseases as psoriasis, acne rash, remove irritation after sunny burn. The main work of vitamin A is the regeneration of the skin. Therefore, in cosmetology, this vitamin beauty is simply indispensable. In addition, vitamin A helps to improve and even restore vision (with an integrated approach).
  • Vitamin E is a powerful cleaner of our body, removes all the harmful products, strengthening the vessels, fights with premature aging of cells, improves the condition of the skin, and will also help get rid of fatigue, increase the body's resistance.

In a pair, these two substances have a powerful integrated effect on the human body.

How to take vitamins aevit

Despite the seeming harmlessness of this drug, they still do not need to neglect the advice of specialists and before taking the vitamin complex, consult with their attending physician.

How to take Aevit:

  • to improve the condition of the skin of the skin, the aevit is taken capsule 1 time per day for 2 weeks. You can use the oil solution and externally. For example, add 2 capsules into a day cream jar, use such a rich cosmetic tool within a month. It is allowed to apply an oil solution directly to the affected place: jets, pimples, dry skin areas. But you always need to remember that you can use Aevit within a month, then you need to take a break;
  • application Aevita for hair. It is best to purchase a liquid solution that is sold in capsules. How to make a hair mask: Take an equal proportion to the oil of the reurenger and linen, add an ampoule auita, on the hair the mask must be kept within an hour, then rinse with water. For fatty hair, yolk, alcohol + water is taken (1 tsp), 2 aevit capsules are added. The mask must be distributed through the hair, leave for 15 minutes. Flush with warm water without shampoo;
  • in case of diseases, Aevit needs to be taken according to the individual scheme, which is prescribed by the attending physician, given the diagnosis and course of the disease. In some cases, intramuscular injections of the auevite 1 ml each day are prescribed. Course of treatment for 2 weeks;
  • for the treatment of diseases of vessels, Aevit is taken inside 1 capsule 2 times a day + prescribe intramuscular injections (dosage - 1 ml per day for 10 days).

General recommendations for receiving aevit

About how to take vitamins correctly, should tell the attending physician. If your goal is to support the body, the standard Aevit take 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. Be sure to drink vitamins after eating. The capsule is easy to swallow, it is necessary to drink with ordinary water.

Increase the number of capsules for 1 reception it is impossible. Course of treatment for at least a month, maximum - 1.5 months. Break - from 3 to 6 months.

Aevit injections - 1 ml per day, the oily solution must be heated before administration. Course treatment - from 20 to 40 days, depending on the disease. Repeated course - after 4 months. Intramuscular injections appoints your attending physician.

About contraindications of vitamins Aevit


  • an allergic reaction to the drug components;
  • children under the age of 14;
  • liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart failure;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy.

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