The child swears the mat - what to do

The child swears the mat - what to do

The use of obscene vocabulary is a bad habit that children and adolescents are quickly adopting while in an unfavorable environment. Often, parents are in a state of shock, having heard the first Material Word from the mouth. Of course, it is impossible to ignore it, otherwise the child will begin to communicate exclusively with the help of Mata. Nevertheless, the return cries of parents often do not lead to anything. It is important to understand the causes of the problem and behave competently. In this article we will look at what to do if the child began to swear with a mat.

Why do children begin to swear with mat?

Children tend to try new - so they learn and know the world. Bans of parents, their aggression towards the child and the inability to restrain emotions often only aggravates the situation. If you heard the mat from the child at any age, you should not do from this tragedy.

Children often swear by mat, but in adult state do it less. However, it is very important to behave correctly with the child and understand the reasons for the use of mothers. The reasons why children swear may be mass. However, all of them are associated with an unfavorable environment, because children are studying everything to the imitation.

Most often, children are trained in matel words in the following situations:

  • Little children often can hear the mother words even at home from the older brothers or sisters, from relatives, and sometimes from their parents. Of course, if a small child hears the mat in his hometown, he will repeat this word. If you say that this is a bad word and focus on this attention, the child will swear with even great pleasure, because all the forbidden children are interesting.
  • Little children can hear the mat too from friends in kindergarten or school. At an early age, it is easy enough to fight, however, at school, if the mat in a certain group of children will be considered prestigious, get rid of the problem more difficult.
  • Most problems with adolescents - in their circles, mate words are often in fashion, everyone passes this period. Even if you do not hear the mat from your child, it is possible that it uses such expressions when communicating with peers. Most adolescents will develop this period and over time refuse to obscene vocabulary, but it depends on what environment a person will fall into.
  • Now with the development of the Internet it is very difficult to completely protect the child from obscene vocabulary. A child at any age can hear the mat in videos or read the motley expressions with social networks. It is difficult to protect against such an impact of the child and practically impossible - the prohibitions are unlikely to be effective. It is important to correctly educate the child so that he will not adopt a bad habit of dubious sources.

What if a little baby swears with a mat?

All adolescents are experiencing the rebar period when they try to swear by mat. However, when obscene words pronounce a small child, this is a surprise for many and often shocks parents. Nevertheless, it is not worth worrying - to wean a small child from the mat is not so difficult if you behave correctly. Consider how to solve this problem in different situations.

  • Many parents believe that the baby's mat is worth punishing. Nevertheless, this measure can not always be effective. The most effective punishment will be in preschool age. If you repeatedly hear from the mouth of the child, the mat and the conversations did not affect, you can deprive it sweet, leave without a computer or just put into the angle. As long as the child does not understand the matters, these measures can be effective.
  • Often the child begins to swear in the school. It often happens because the mat is used in a popular children's company, to become part of which your child wants. It can be like a company of peers and senior teenage schoolchildren who want to be like. To solve the problem, it is not necessary to affect the child, but on the group itself - if this happens in the classroom, you need to communicate with other parents and together to search for your children other interests and examples for imitation
  • Suppose a good example of a child yourself. Let the children want to be similar to their moms, dads, senior brothers and sisters who look good, tell interesting stories, seem successful and do not use matters in speech.

What if the teenager swears with a mat?

We will wean away from the mother expressions of the teenager is much more difficult than a small child. Teenagers do not consider parents with authority and focus on their friends and acquaintances, as well as often on pop idols and on content on the Internet.

  • Do not prohibit mat and do not scold a teenager. Of course, it is worth expressing their displeasure, but scandals and prohibitions will not lead to anything. Try to talk with a teenager why he swears with a mat. Convince him that the group of young people, to which he oriented, does not necessarily be considered a reference. Show a teenager another world - let literate and interesting people become his idols, find good books that would be interested in a teenager.
  • Teens do not perceive parents as an example for imitation, and yet try to become. Find contact with the teenager, be in the trend, interest it with yourself. If a teenager wants to be like you, you can form his habits. If you do not get a contact, let it try to make other relatives, brothers, sisters or senior friends.
  • Wait a bit. If you see that the teenager, in general, is studying in a good school and communicates with good guys, most likely he will turn the period of use of obscene vocabulary. Already in the university environment, young people are from Mata and the prestigious becomes beautiful correct speech.

Each child at least once in his life swore Mat - no need to surprise this. However, it is important to behave correctly. Simple prohibitions affect only young children. With the smaller children, it is very important to build a constructive dialogue and find indirect ways of influence on them.

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