What is spoiler

What is spoiler

Probably, you have repeatedly noticed on the Internet a rapid discussion of a "spoiler", sometimes the real debate and disputes on the various forums and social networks begin. However, if you do not know the meaning of such a popular SLAng, then it is difficult to participate in discussions, since you just do not understand them. Let's describe in detail the value of this not a particularly pleasant Internet term and look at the bright examples of its use. It is especially important to know if you are interested in books or movies.

The meaning of the word "spoiler"

Imagine this situation: you came home after a hard working day and decided to look at the last half of the last series of your favorite TV series, which came out on the same day. You had a delicious dinner, warm conversations, discussion of the possible endings of the series. Finally, you sat down for watching the series, looked at the warm blanket, but then you called the best friend. Only answering the call, you heard hot phrases from him that the killer was the butler, and he was a great impression of the end of the story on the screen. Now the intrigue is spoiled, because a friend told you the most important story turn, a kind of highlight that made you watch a series behind the series. After that, watching the film further does not have a sense for you, at least in the storyline.

If you have ever since such situations happened, then you have become a victim of a spoiler. As you could already understand, the spoiler is a premature exposure of plot turns and intrigues in the plot. It may concern both the cinema and books, because there, and there is involved a certain plot.

Thus, when you hear the phrase "do not spoile me", this means that a person does not want to hear anything about the upcoming watch watching or reading the book, so as not to know inadvertently nothing important about the plot.

Etymology of the word "spoiler"

The word itself swinging from the English-speaking Internet into the Russian-language. In English there is a verb "to spoil", which literally means "spoil." This word is used, except for its direct value, and in relation to people who expose important plot details prematurely.

As you could have noticed, the word "spoiler" is consumed more often in the negative light than in neutral. All precisely because people do not like when they tell intrigue and the plot's peripetics before they saw the work with their own eyes.

Using the word "spoiler"

And now it is better to consider in more detail how this word is used on the Internet.

  • The most common thing is, perhaps: "Attention! Spoiler!". Noticing such an inscription, you better stop reading the text further, because you will learn the turning points of the plot. But if you are not against the spoilers and exposing the plot before viewing, you can and read, read on.
  • It is often possible to see a squeaming phrase: "This spoiler, delete", or something in a similar spirit. So the interlocutor draws your attention to the fact that you revealed some details of the plot that most people have not learned.

Perhaps now you are tormented by the question "When the information becomes a spoiler, and when not?". On the Internet there is a checked rule on the Internet - the information stops being a spoiler three days after the release of the series or the movie on the screen.

Now you are armed and knowing the meaning of the word "spoiler". Familiarize yourself with the rules of the forum or group in the social network before it is to be in it.

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