Rating of the best films 2016

Rating of the best films 2016

Sometimes it is so difficult to navigate in the innovations of the cinema: the TV is shot by commercials from domestic and foreign film, and the voice behind the scenes claims that this is the picture that you need to see. How to understand what to see at leisure?

Take a look at the ranking of the best films of 2016, compiled according to the reviews of critics, viewers, cash collecting. The assessment goes along a ten-ball system.


The most cash Russian film of 2016. Director - Nikolay Lebedev. The plot is spinning around the young pilot Alexei Gushchina, who because of his principle had to change the career of the military pilot to the service of the intern in civil aviation. And it is not all smooth here: it is difficult to find buddies with such character. But when the eruption of the volcano threatens people to death, the experience of Gushchina unites with the crew of the commander of the liner Zinchenko, predicting the further friendship of pilots. You will surprise the spectacular shooting of a natural disaster, impressive large plans of heroes, organic music. Rating - 8.9.

Crew 5.

The jungle book

I took this movie-cartoon based on the fairy tale of the Reddard Kipling "Mowgli" American film director John Favro. Everyone as in the book: a small boy, fascinated by a wolf, his friendship with a brave panther is a baggage, teaching under the guidance of a hooligan ball, disassembly with an evil tiger Sherry. Using computer graphics makes a picture of a spectacular, more dynamic, more exciting. Watch this movie with the whole family, at home or in the cinema. Get an unforgettable impression, it will be what to discuss with a child in your free time. Rating - 8.7.


Eddie "Eagle"

This film dexter fleece is a touching story about character temperatures, an iron will on the way to the desired goal. As a child, Eddie Edwards dreamed of becoming an athlete and participate in the Olympic Games, but nothing did not work at the Portrait, all the ridiculous teenager. But if you put out the full coil, do not think about the heights, to play sports for the sake of sports, then you can achieve a good result. The young man seeks his - becomes a springboard and jumps from a springboard at the Olympics. He takes the last place, but receives the ovations of fans for perseverance, faith in victory, and the nickname - eagle. Positive, instructive cinema. Rating - 8.6.


Aliens 3: Taking Bastille

French comic film about the time traveling in the time knight and his servant. In this series, the heroes of Jean Renault and Christian Klava turn out to be in the troubled France of the Taking Bastille. In Paris, they meet their descendants, but Godfrau is dissatisfied with the unworthy of great-grandmothers, and Jacquica, on the contrary, proud of his opposition prosecutor. The picture is full of naive humor, funny dialogs, historical costumes, interesting scenery. Turn on this film, and the bad mood will volatile instantly. Rating - 7.58.


Kloverefield, 10.

American thriller. Michel's young girl gets into an accident and comes to himself in the basement, chained down to the foot. In addition to her, a few more people in the cellar. The maniac appeared talks about the world disaster, assuring that the only safe place is a bunker. The dark walls will oppress, the impression is that you yourself are locked up, and there is no way out. Film is full of intrigue. It is impossible to understand to the end, whether there are no people on Earth or this is a psychopath fiction, and is it worth running out of suspicious shelter? If you like films with closed space - Picture for you. Rating - 7.47.


And hit the storm

American film-catastrophe in 3D format. Director - Craig Gillespi. The story based on real events of 1952. During the storm, two vessels get holes and begin to slowly fall on the bottom. A coast guard group on a small engine boat goes to revenue carriages of oil tankers. Huge, with a high-altitude house, waves, snow, storm, pieces of the ship - everything is reliably shown, like people who hurry to help and struggle with temptation to turn back. The film will not dissolve, but the result is the rescue of the sailors against the element, will bring satisfaction and the desire to make a real act. Rating - 7.41.

And killed


Russian funny comedy with Danila Kozlovsky in the title role. It takes place on Friday at a steep Moscow club. Who not only wanders here hoping to pass the dull evening: manager seeking revenge psychiatrist, businessman, became a night for the sake of a bet as a waiter and other motley crowd. And the party was a success - the loser becomes the star of the party, two friends catch a kangaroo in the woods, and a millionaire gambler carries trays hoping to win the argument and gather 10,000 tip. The picture lightning tie with lots of plot twists, the darkness of non-standard jokes, new jokes. Do not connect the children to view, some jokes are not for childish ears. Rating - 6.57.


gods of Egypt

Adventure Alex Proyas. The action takes place in ancient Egypt. Many years prosperous kingdom was ruled by the god Osiris sensible and did not know the troubles. But the god Seth the desert, in the fight for the inheritance, kills the king and takes the throne. The foundations of the once rich and powerful countries are beginning to crumble. Call villain throws his nephew Horus and easy-earth boy Beck. They come together to put an end to lawlessness and Seth come into danger, but ended in victory, adventure. Good tale will not be superfluous, go to her children, it will be interesting and instructive. Rating - 6.55.

Eg gods

Of course, the list does not include all the films, scored a high rating. But looking at one of these, you will not be disappointed and do not think that wasted their time.

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