How fast

How fast

Increasingly, you can hear from acquaintances that they begin to fast, limiting themselves to some products. Not all of them are very devout people. Maybe this is a new tribute fashion? After all, not always these people are fully aware of the importance of the post from Christians, as well as the rules for his conduct. How to properly spend this church rite to clean the soul and body?

The daily menu is the first thing to pay attention to. The year provides 4 posts, but the most "popular" of them is considered the Great, which is allowed to observe for 49 days before Easter. In each of these periods of cleansing the menu will differ. For example, in the great post, the church menu is scheduled for weeks, each of which is focused on certain products, prohibiting and adding the remaining prohibitions - meat, dairy, fish, eggs, and several days are recommended at all. But do not blindly follow all instructions! Refusal of everyday food is not yet complete compliance with the post! In addition, if you do it forced, through "I don't want", then there will be no benefit from it.

The refusal of products is considered to be physically cleansing the body, the person so asks for forgiveness and takes over his sins. But even the full transition to lean food will not be considered a complete post if you prepare exquisite dishes, there is pleasure and destroy, moving. By the way, the sweet consumption is also not recommended, and alcoholic beverages are generally under the strict prohibition (the exception is red wine, and then on weekends and festive days in moderate quantities). It should be noted that only absolutely healthy people can carefully comply with all restrictions. In old age, pregnant women, or in the presence of serious diseases, it is better or completely abandoned from the post (the church does not prohibit it!), Or follow it on certain days, and not the entire period.

Failure from delicious, oily and sweet food is not yet complete compliance with the post. During this period, you must disable yourself any outbreaks of anger, quarrels, condemnation and peres. You must not only clean the body, but also clear spiritually. Pay attention to those who are much worse than you: help more often, sore, feed. Of course, if you are a believer, then such elementary rules you must adhere to everyday life, without separation for the time of fasting and ordinary days.

Do not forget that visiting the temple during the post also necessarily. Of course, not everyone can afford to do it every day, but at least at least on Sunday it is very desirable. If it doesn't work at all, then you can put candles in front of the icons of the house, pray and ask for forgiveness for all sins.

Observe the post in the first times is very difficult. To think less about hunger, focus on the meaning of your act, on what he will give you. Also remember that the feeling of hunger helps to reduce the smell of cinnamon and cloves. Drinking water is the source of forces and energy, so it needs to be drunk in large quantities on any day and especially during the post.

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