How to order prayers

How to order prayers

The religious attitude towards the world appeared in humanity at the dawn of its origin and accompanies the whole period of development. As shown by the latest studies of scientists in the field of physics, chemistry, genetics and other natural sciences, the spiritual component of this world exists. The more the experiments spend scientists, the more confident they say - God is. Most people who want to contact him are doing this through the Orthodox faith.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to convey its message to the Orthodox saints, the Virgin or the Savior is to order a prayer. There are thankful and aspecting prayers. To order a prayer, you need to write a note in which to indicate what holy message is sent to, its essence and the names of those for whom you ask. Put a note by the servant of the church.


Prayer is simple and affiliated. In the last version there is a small sanctification of water, it is after distributing believing parishioners. You can order a month for a month, six months or year. Some temples take notes for eternal commemoration.

Paraban-Water Company

You can order a prayer as aid in many situations: when traveling, the beginning of a new case, diseases, natural disasters, wars, quarrels, etc. Prayer, for the rest of the soul and the absolution of the sins of the deceased is called Panichid. It serves before the eve, it is also possible to leave innovations about the mustache.


One of the most powerful species of prayers - thanksgiving prayer. Gratitude is a wonderful feeling that you need to protect and develop in yourself. If you have something for thanking God, do it be sure! You will see how it becomes easy and warm in the shower. If you ordered prayers in the church and your request was heard and fulfilled, be sure to order thanksgiving prayer. We are grateful to people who fulfill our requests. Also followed with spiritual assistants.

Thankty Molanets

If you have a trip, be it a holiday or a business trip, you can order a prayer service "about traveling", usually asking the patronage from the Lord, the Guardian Angel and St. Nicholas. Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered patrons of the family union in Orthodoxy. Peter and Fevronia lived all their lives in goodness and love and for legend died in one day and an hour. All lonely girls and young people, as well as those who feel conflicts in family life, are recommended to order prayers for the help of these saints.


About health is made to pray to the Saint Great Panteleimon. There is another wonderful healer in Orthodoxy - Saint Agapit Pechersky. The first doctor of Kievan Rus, he healed patients and weakly with the help of prayer and herbs, and even cured Vladimir Monomakh himself. Saint Agapit took the monastic stop in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, where now its power, which still have tremendous healing power. Women patronage the Holy Mother of God during their lives, it is possible to ask for all the intimate: grace in the Union, the protection of children, health.


Perhaps before ordering prayers, you should contact the clarifications to the ministers of the Church. In Orthodoxy, many saints that are responsible for various sides of the human life. Describe the priest briefly, he will tell you who is better to seek help. However, you will never be mistaken if consult with a prayer directly to God, it can accurately help you.

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Ilya 05/26/2018 at 12:25

Is it possible to do it online? Right here?


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