How to confess the children

How to confess the children

The Christian tradition of his vacation of sins is confession. Not only sincerely repentant adults are allowed to this sacrament, but also children over 7 years old. It is believed that it is from this age a child begins to understand what is good and what is bad. " True, the children's confession has its own characteristics.

To attach a child to religion from an early age. To do this, read the children's Bible together, attend the church at least on holidays, from time to time pass the rite of communion. We instill the spirituality of the baby, demonstrating your own example. So the child will be tuned to the sacrament of confession in the future.

Before passing the rite, explain to the child the essence of confession. Accentrize his attention on the fact that it is not only the transfer of bad deeds, but above all their awareness. The baby must understand that the meaning is not to tell about them, but in that - in order to try to not repeat them in the future. Explain that during the sacrament, the child will stand before God, and the priest is his spiritual mentor and the witness of the Lord.

The first confession should not be carried out during Sunday Liturgy, since this is a period of great accumulation of people, a child may be difficult to focus and reveal. It is best to agree with the priest to another certain time.

Prayer will help_shutterstock_73552864.

Explain yourself or ask the father to tell the child about the rite of confession. It is important for the kid not to be embarrassed by ignorance that he is waiting. Remind that if your child wants to compete after confession, you should ask the blessing of the priest at the end of the rite.

Remember the inviolability of the secret confession! This rule is strictly as in relation to the confession of adults and children. Do not try to put pressure on the child and find out the details of what happened to confession. Also, the baby must make a decision on what will repent. Do not impose a list of sins in which he should confess. Parents can only hold a soft conversation, after which the child will make it easier to understand what is required for confession.

In no case do not forcing the child to go to the confession if he does not want. Excessive pressure only disintegrates the faster spiritually child from the church. Also do not intimidate the baby terrible examples and further punishments. Confers to him that confession is an opportunity to clear the conscience and reconcile with God. And to live with pure thoughts - great happiness. Remember, the best example for imitation is your own.

Most sources indicate age for the first confession - 7 years. However, this is a very conventional figure. Look at the development of the child and make a decision on the first experience of this sacrament on the basis of this.

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