Circus Artist Mstislav Sparable - Biography

Circus Artist Mstislav Sparable - Biography

In addition to the fact that the midst of the circus artist is known for the whole world, M catislav The spish, was an unsurpassed professional professional, he was a multilateral figure, which was not limited to one sphere. This article will hold a small excursion to the life world. M catslaw Tashed

Mstislava Poshechnoe

Born in 1938 in the city of Leningrad, Mstislav smeliest together with his brother Walter brought up a grandmother. Since childhood he had a great interest in art, in particular, a circus case. The first exit to the scene, together with his elder brother, Mstislav took place at the age of 5. Then still inexperienced little Spared I made a big impression on the audience.

During the tour in the Far East, the Commission decided to disband the duet, but fortunately, the Moscow criticism of art decided to leave the brothers.

"Acrobati-voltizer" - a number created by the brothers, which included a variety of unique tricks, the fulfillment of which before it did not occur to anyone in the head, struck foreign spectators. From now on duet brothers At high speed began to gain popularity.

In 1971, Mstislav graduated from the Director of the Faculty and decided to develop himself in this direction.

Created later, the show called "Elephants and Tigers" struck everyone, ranging from the usual viewer, ending with critics of art. it performance At that time, it was the only one where in the same cell was both elephants and tigers. Spectators are always interesting to the risky spectacles of this type. This spectacle was especially fascinating.

In addition to the development of the skills of the trayster of predatory animals, Mstislav found himself in director. He was the director of many circus ideas, such as: "To the stars", " Air Flying ", etc. Everything else, he was often a direct member of his own speeches.

Mstislav achieved a large and incredible creative work, Mstislav achieved the fact that in 1991 he took the position of vice-president of the World Circus speeches. From 1992 to 2003, he was the main artistic director of the Sochi State Circus.

Mstislav Sparable died at the age of 79, in 2016, in Sochi.

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