How to draw a mermaid?

How to draw a mermaid?

It can be beautifully drawn far from everyone, and not because they are deprived of such a gift, but because of his laziness. It is easy to simply say that you can't draw what to try to try, learns. Today we will talk about how it can be painted a luxury mermaid, even if you did not consider yourself a capable student in drawing.

Rules drawing

Those whose skill can be called talent or gift with confidence. Its rules and norms, they draw, as they want it and since they see it, and real masterpieces are obtained. Those who are just trying to master such art as drawing. You need to do everything, adhering to certain rules, but it is not so simple, so it's easier to tell about what you should not do:

  • Do not try to start painting too hard pencil. In order for drawings with such a tool, the perfect needed either a born talent, or an overhaul in drawing. For beginners, a soft pencil is perfectly suitable, which is easy to wash without prints on paper, and believe me, you will have to wash a lot.
  • Do not start your creativity from writing from the photo. Because even professional artists do not always manage to transfer all the accuracy of the features of the face, and in general. From portraits should not begin their path of the artist, it all starts with fabulous heroes, light pictures.
  • Beginner drawers should not carefully draw some details without drawing the general contour of the figure, because the main proportions will eventually be violated.
  • Do not choose too smooth paper for practical drawing, because the soft pencil on such paper will look extremely dim and pale.
  • Do not at the initial stage of training, painting try to draw shadows or volumetric drawings, all initial pictures should be flat and only after a while, when they are studied and, as it should be, understood, all the basics, it will be possible to start more complex visual receptions. .

What we wrote it all, yes to the fact that before starting to draw a cartoon hero or any other picture, you need to prepare, armonize, so to speak, and tools, and knowledge.

Draw mermales

The drawing technique can be any, there are a lot of them, so choose which one to use, solve only the artist, but if you are a newcomer in this matter, then everything should be simple and understandable, so we went:

  • We begin to draw our little mermaid from the head (usually most drawings begin to draw precisely top down, and not vice versa).
  • In order not to bother over the proportions of the face and all of its parts. You can draw a mermaid, which has sex closed with hair, then and worry about proportionality do not have to. If you chose the proposed option, then begin to draw your hair first, which will close most of the face of mermaids.
  • Remember, the lines should not be sharp, everything is done in smoothly and several jerks, everything is superfluous then will be cleaned with a grater.
  • After the head and hair, we pass to the image of its fine and elegant neck, smoothly turning into the shoulders (this part of the body is also worth drawing with thin lines, so that the little mermaid is feminine)
  • The waist smoothly flows into bulk, but at the same time, not too wide tail. It is not worth drawing not directly, but a little sobc, so that it is possible as elegant as possible.
  • As you might notice, our contours are already drawn, and only after that you can proceed to detail.

  • After the image of the tail of the mermaids, go to the drawing of the scales on it. They should be small, but at the same time, proportional, draw stands from top to bottom.
  • As soon as the tail becomes swept away with the scales completely, give hair, as it should be. The mermaid is presented with long and fluffy hair, so we depict them that way. Everything else, long and lush hair is easier to depict than any short hairstyles and haircuts.
  • Locks will fall aside on both sides, so consider the proportionality of the shock, after which. It is worth paying special attention to the hands, because they should look, as possible, proportionate. Simplify the task in this way - hide one hand over hair.
  • Now it's time to draw her beautiful features of the face, as well as beautiful eyes. Since one closed with hair, draw the second, it should be not large and proportional. To do this, you can portray and a second eye to see how good the proportions you are selected, and after everything happens, you can erase one eye.
  • Draw a swimsuit. When you try to present a mermaid in a swimsuit, then this is for some reason Ariel, which means that the swimsuit should be in the form of two seashells. You should not also forget about such a minor size, but significant, in fact, the navel, which can be depicted simply as a point.

Thickers such drawings need to try with pencils, it is much easier to wake with colorful tools than paints, it needs to be understood using paints in the picture, you must have some skills and knowledge to apply paints, so this is also worth considering.

In order for the drawing to be too sad and faded, it is possible to neatly, nourish a small area outside our fairy-tale hero, so you make an image completed, and the picture is full.

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