Drawing insects is quite difficult at least because few of us consider them in detail. Fly has absolutely transparent wings, big eyes, elongated body and legs consisting of several parts. For her drawing it costs several times to watch the increased photos of the flies under the macro lens, so you will better understand its structure and get a lot of new ideas about how best to draw flies. Do not forget to take a soft well-sharpened pencil and washingal gum to correct all inaccuracies on the sheet in time. Refer to this Fly Drawing Instructions and try to repeat all the steps yourself, repeating the details exactly.
First draw from the hands of an exemplary silhouette of the future flies. You do not need to remove parts and smoothly draw lines, because it is only a sketch, which is subsequently completely erased. Pay attention to the position of the legs of the men and how they stand on the surface: fly only slightly concerns the surface with the tips of the legs. Its wing is transparent, and the head is not completely oval. Now start clarifying your sketch: start from my head.Give your head more accurately, it becomes a triangle closer to the end, and to the torso it loses its shape. The eyes of flies occupy most of the head and druit on the sides. Try to display the scope of the eye in the picture, a slightly depicting the second eye behind your head.
Between the first part of the body and the second draw a small triangle on the back. Will erase a small recess at the beginning of the second part of the body. It will be needed for the image of the leg.
You may notice that the sides of the sides of the wings have small attachments to the body in the form of oblong tubes. Above the wing is a small protecting platform that you have already drawn earlier. Finally, draw small lines on the wing to show that it is transparent. Take the gum and gently erase the image, and by barely prominent lines, draw clear and even bends. You can cover your fly with a black marker or helium handles, as well as paint her body.
As you can see, the process of drawing a fly is not complicated at all if you understand the structure of her body.