What is folklore?

What is folklore?

Folklore - is a form of folk art that is expressed in the form of fairy tales, music, folk songs, etc. A characteristic feature of some kind of folklore is the absence of the author as such. It is formed by transferring some knowledge from generation to generation and, ultimately, can be either a completed creative (verbal, musical) product and its makings. A characteristic feature of folklore and its defining feature is the collective creativity.

The history of occurrence

In Russia, the term "folklore" was introduced a little later than in other countries, and initially applied to only a few types of folk art. In connection with this the beginning of the 20th century the term "folklore" was used rarely and only in certain circles. Widespread the term started after acquiring speech AM Gorky All-Union Congress of People's Writers and in Soviet times under the folklore understood folklore. With the development of the term in the study began to folklore viewed from the perspective traditions.

Types of works of folklore

There are three main types of folklore.

  1. Lyrical works. These include various ditties and songs (eg, love and family song).
  2. Dramatic works. Under this type of folklore meant such products which are in the literature. These include all sorts of tales and legends.
  3. Epic product. For this type of genre is characterized by narration by the author. They may vary in volume. For example, there are both large epics (tales, bylina etc.) and small (proverbs).


Since there are many kinds of folklore, it is necessary to give a few examples clearly illustrate one or another of its kind. This will allow a better understanding of what is meant by this term.

  1. Fairy tale. They can be stated from generation both verbally and writing. In the fairy tale there are fictional characters, and the plot itself does not claim to be accuracy. An example of such fairy tales protrude "Wolf and Fox", where animals are acting as the main characters, the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog", "Gus swans" and others.
  2. Tradition. Unlike fairy tales, the plot of the legends is reliable and tells a certain story. For example, in the story "On revenge Princess Olga Drevlyamam" describes a story from the life of a person who lived in Russia.
  3. Proverb. For this type of folklore, the presence of a certain rhythm and sometimes rhymes. It has a small amount and hidden meaning, which comes to the reader. For example, the saying "sits like a mouse under a broom."

Under the folklore is meant a variety of folk creativity. They can relate to both a tale or a fairy tale and a proverb. Thus, folklore can be both small and large.


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