What is rent

What is rent

Before XVIII century Under R.enta was understood by the fee for the use of natural resources, which are factors of production and production resources and are limited. Subsequently, the term of this term has significantly expanded in connection with the rapid development of society, production and economy.

Currently, several categories of rent are allocated:

  • land rent - payment for the use of any natural resources;
  • economic rent;
  • dead rent - a property fee that is actually not used;
  • intellectual Rent is an income from the use of intellectual capital, which in turn acts as a factor of production;
  • management Rent - the income received from the use of new management methods (management);
  • financial and credit rent - income from new investments, the receipt of which is associated with the modernization of production, the growth of scientific and technological progress;
  • information rent is the income of owners of any information resource.

Land rent in its composition so-called differential land rental. Its selection from the general occurs on the basis of the characteristics of the Earth, namely, fertility that increases its performance at the same cost, and therefore the tenant receives greater income.


Rent for owner - regular income from existing capital, any property that is leased. Given the fact that any property is subject to service to maintain its performance or modernization to increase demand for it, the economic value of the rent is calculated based on such costs, and is the difference between the total amount of the tenant and the cost of service and the modernization of property. In essence, the economic rent is an alternative yield of the resource and does not affect the reproduction and improvement of property.

There is also the concept of a contract of life rent. In accordance with it, the owner of the apartment concludes an agreement with the receptacle of rent on the following:

  • property is transferred to the ownership of the payer;
  • the payer pays payments in the amount recorded in the contract;
  • the term of the payer's commitment is determined by the lifetime of the recipient;
  • it is possible to transfer the right to receive the rent to a third party, and the term of the obligation of the payer is determined by a third party's life.

Rent is an income from any kind of property. The concept of rent can be combined with any kind of activity, but it should be borne in mind that the funds are submitted in the calculations that will go to refund or modernize property.

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