What is the fund

What is the fund

The term "fund" is ambiguous and has several interpretations. The best sense of the term "Fund" is revealed due to a natural classification based on various features and parameters of this concept that combine or indicate the differences in different types of funds.

Funds have their own goals, owner, filling channels. The first stage of the classification was formed by the appearance of his owner - dividing funds to public and private. State funds are at the disposal of state bodies. They can be budget and extrabudgetary.


Extrabudgetary funds are a special form of education and cash spending. Created by the state on the basis of mandatory payments regulated by state legislation, voluntary contributions of all subjects, etc. To meet the interests of some social groups, have a certain intended purpose and are aimed at financing state social programs, the funds of such funds are not included in the state budget. Examples: State Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Budget funds are formed at the expense of budgetary funds and are concentrated at the disposal of local governments and state authorities. The objectives of the BF is the financing of predominantly important sectors of the economy, eliminating the effects of emergency situations, as well as significant social, economic, scientific and technical and other programs. Examples: Fund for Financial Support Territories, Founded Fund, Fund for the Development of the Region, etc.

Non-state funds are divided into:

  • funds of the enterprise are the means of any commercial organization that are directly involved in the production process, as well as specially created business development funds, reserve funds, etc.;
  • non-commercial funds - organizations, which are at the disposal of funds to carry out socially useful goals, including charitable;
  • investment funds created for profit, activities involve the formation of total capital with subsequent portfolio investment in the economy industry, which produce goods and services.

Features of the private non-commercial fund:

  • has a charter, on the basis of which its activities are carried out;
  • founders may be individuals, commercial and non-commercial organizations;
  • activities cannot be aimed at making a profit and is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the possibility of conducting commercial activities is allowed only to attract additional funds for the existence of the Fund or capital replenishment for the main activity.

Separate types of funds:

  • the mutual fund is called the stock portfolio, which is acquired by professional financiers on funds for many depositors;
  • the trust fund - cash and other assets collected by a physical or legal entity for their further transfer to another subject under certain conditions, for example, parents create a trust fund, funds from which to go to the child's property after their death;
  • reserve funds are formed from incurred in case of unforeseen situations in order to be able to fill in time;
  • The International Monetary Fund is an organization that exercises lending to states in the context of reducing their solvency.

The main task of any fund is the accumulation of funds for their further distribution in accordance with the objectives of the activity.

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