Where to invest 500,000

Where to invest 500,000

The amount of half a million rubles is an excellent opportunity to increase your capital and gain financial independence. For effective investment methods, read further.

Deposits into mutual investment funds (mutually), perhaps the most profitable and most reliable option. Having invested his money in the management company PIF, you become a shareholder, and the organization with the help of trust management means of depositors is trying to maximize its property value. The financial result obtained in the reporting period (profit or loss) is divided between shareholders in proportion to their contribution in the overall budget. The risk of unprofitable activity is minimized by the fact that the management company invests funds in shares of different firms (diversified portfolio). You do not need any action, professionals will fulfill all work. At the same time, your Pai is highly damaged: you can sell it at any time. Russian Pyp Rating for Your Interest You can view on the site pIF.InvestFunds.ru..

You can assign a manager to confidentially manage your facilities on forex or similar sites, in the financial environment this option is called PAMM-account (Percent Allocation Management Module - percentage distribution module). Professional manager is interested in your success at the auction, since its fee is determined by the percentage of your profits. Just as in the previous case, from you, except for investments, nothing needs. You can withdraw your capital at any time. Its transparency is a great advantage of the PAMM account: all actions are registered and stored in the history of trade, in addition, these data can be analyzed using the proposed statistical instruments. Read more to get acquainted with the PAMM-accounts and their rating you can on site pammi.ru..

The most popular way to accumulate and increase capital among the population of our country is still bank deposits. Still, the guarantee of the preservation of funds is a priority factor for people who value stability. The yield of deposits is significantly lower than in the above options, however, it is not bad to earn money. On the site rBC.ru. The system will form a current rating of deposits of various banks on your request, thanks to which you can appreciate and compare the options that interest you.

If all previous methods assumed the receipt of passive income that does not depend on you, then this method is entirely and fully will be your brainchild. We are talking about your own business. From how thought out and calculate your idea, its effectiveness will depend on, that is, your profits. 500 thousand is quite enough as a start not only for the Internet project, but also for a really existing, say, catering. Replenish your reserve with fresh ideas, in the essence and get acquainted with the subtleties of each option offer site developers bisnesideya.ru..

Are you ready to risk a significant profit? Or is your main goal to save these funds? In any case, the choice remains yours. Analyze a few suitable options and select one that more matched your desires. We hope that your mind and our advice will lead you to a right decision.

Comments leave a comment
Evgeniy 12/08/2015 at 19:23

I think it is profitable to invest in the print terminals a photo from Instagram.

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