What is phraseologisms?

What is phraseologisms?

Phraseology is a stable phrase or sentence, the meaning of which is not determined by the meaning of the words included in it. Such lexical revisions are often archaisms and are used by the carrier of a given language. Phraseologisms are not amenable to translation, so the carriers of another language are quite difficult to understand the meaning of this speech turnover.

Signs of phraseologism

This lexical unit has its own distinctive features:

  1. Reproducibility

The phraseologisms were formed and folded over the years. They are customary to use in one way or another to give speech coloring and expressiveness. Therefore, they are used in some particular situation and nothing else.

  1. Is one member of the sentence

Frameologists consisting of two or more words are one member of the offer (or part of it), which is not amenable to the analysis. For example, the phraseological "breaking out of the water" answers the question "What to do?" And is a surehead).

  1. Consist of 2 or more words

The phraseologist includes at least two words, with the permutation of places of which the general meaning of expression is lost. However, this rule refers far from all phraseologists. For example, in the phrase "beat eggs" you can change the words of the word, while maintaining the meaning of the entire expression.

  1. Have a steady composition

In phraseologists, new words can not add, and some of them cannot be changed in some places. It is also not allowed to replace one or another word or phrase with another word (for example, synonym). The phraseologisms were folded by the people for many years and were used only in a particular situation. Therefore, the speaker cannot replace or change it. In some cases, the use of one or more words is allowed. For example, in the phraseologist "does not see on its nose" you can add the word "own". From this the value of the lexical turnover does not change.

  1. Have a certain value, not an alterable

To clarify this feature, turn to the example. The phraseology "hang in the air" means being in an indefinite, unstable position. The speaker cannot change the meaning of this phraseologist even when the words are permutive.

Examples of phraseologism and their meaning

In order to better understand the meaning and the value of phraseologisms, we give a few examples.

  1. Cat weave

This example uses a denomination that is based on the impossibility of meeting such a situation in real life. As you know, cats can not cry. Therefore, in the people, this phraseology means a very small and small amount of something.

  1. Not in my plate

Means feeling in an atypical and uncomfortable situation for a person / place, etc. Naturally, in the literal sense, this turnover cannot be used, and in combination with each other, the words turn into phraseology, which gives speech color and expressiveness.

  1. To make mountains out of molehills

This phraseology is used in the case when a person exaggerates the problem without explicit on that.

  1. Nose

It is used when it is necessary to describe a hoax that a person does not suspect.

  1. Does not see your nose

It characterizes a person who has to focus on himself and his own point of view, not paying attention to the surrounding reality.

  1. Scratching languages

It means an empty chat "Not about what", which takes time time and does not make sense.

  1. Do not finish hands

Such phraseological units can be used to describe a person who long diligently performs action / work.

  1. Handyman

Means a person who does something well.

  1. Scapegoat

It is used when you need to describe a person who is not responsible for it.

  1. Leaving

Means escape from responsibility and deftly get out of a predicament without consequences.

Phraseologists are used to better convey the meaning of expression and give speech emotional color. The main thing is to apply them correctly and in suitable for that situation.

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