What is a ball lightning

What is a ball lightning

Perhaps, in his childhood, you have once sat down at night and began to tell each other a wide variety of terrible stories about the debt, murderers and ghosts. Thus, the myths about those seen nearby ball lightning, which themselves appear and disappear, nor leaving the trace. Are there any children's fairy tales and do there be ball lightning? In fact, the arguments of scientists on this occasion to this day differ. Surely you can say only one thing - scientifically, their existence has not yet been proven. All the facts known to date about ball lightning you can learn from this article.

What is the phenomenon of ball lightning

This zipper received its name is not just like this: it appears before eyewitnesses in the form of a bowl that flies above the ground or in the air. This ball shines brightly and can have a little lightning discharge around him. If a ball will hit any item, then it is likely to ignore.

Eyewitnesses describe this phenomenon in this way, and their readings cannot be called differing or confusing. For the first time, the phenomenon of ball lightning was described in the middle of 1600, when a huge ball of about two meters in diameter flew into the church during a thunderstorm. He knocked out a lot of windows and stones, because of him, a whole chaos rose in the church. After that, the ball was divided in half, one of them was just disappeared and dissolved, and the second went out and flew on. In those days, this phenomenon was written off on the arrival of the devil and the Divine Card, and were blamed several guys who allowed themselves to play gambling on the maps during the preaching of the priest.

It was one of the first cases when the phenomenon was documented in detail, but also previously described in history. For example, in the Scriptures of ancient Rome there is a story about the day when fiery balls appeared in the sky and began to fall on the heads of people.

Scientists about ball lightning

Until now, the phenomenon of ball lightning remains a mystery for scientists, but their existence is not denied, but not proven.

Since 1950, many scientists have tried to reproduce ball lightning with an artificial way, but all attempts were vain. Even in the modern world, with all the diversity of instruments and laboratories, the ball lightning did not fly into scientists.

Some theorists are trying to explain the origin of such lightning among theories, applying their knowledge in the field of electricity and natural processes. So, Kelvin's scientist considered at all that this is an optical illusion or a phenomenon that does not apply to electricity. In the more modern world, the theory of phosphates was proposed. This substance could have been formed within 100 meters from the lightning strike and cause a kind of deception in people. Eyewitnesses could have the balls, although in fact they were not. This theory did not get distribution, as some people tried to capture the lightning on the phone, but poor quality did not give scientists to study the records.

Documented cases of ball lightning

Some scientists, in an attempt to catch such lightning, died. So, Lomonosov explored the death of one scientist who went to the study and attempt to generate ball lightning with his assistant. The assistant said that a bright ball came out of the apparatus and hit the forehead. On his body really remained such a ball, and all the clothes burned.

Other curious cases occurred during World War II and even were called "Foo Fighters". These lights often seen pilots on their tasks, while the phenomena continued after the hostilities.

Also several crew members of the British ship killed three orange balls. All cases confirm the smell of sulfur from these balls.

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