How to make a tank from plasticine

How to make a tank from plasticine

Military vehicle modeling - excellent entertainment for men of different ages. The difficulty of detailing the product from plasticine is highly dependent on the age of the author. The modeling of technology includes a plurality of stages that it is worth paying their attention to make the tank with a neat or more realistic. The material from which the tank will be ledmed - domestic plasticine, it retains well, does not stick to his hands, the colors are not very bright, suitable for creating a similar camouflage.

How to sculpt tank T-34 from plasticine - materials for work

  • Plasticine domestic mixed (white, brown, green, yellow).
  • Board for rolling and laying plasticine.
  • Stand for the assembled tank.
  • Mockup, knife for plasticine.
  • Toothpicks, matches.
  • Rings of different diameter.

How to sculpt tank T-34 from plasticine - camouflage

To make a tank camouflage mix several colors of heated plasticine. Autumn color - brown with green, winter - dirty white color, summer - green or yellow with brown. As a result, it should be overflowing colors, without mud. With each color, long sticks twisted and are molded into one substance.

How to sculpt tank T-34 from plasticine - chassis, caterpillars

  • Before proceeding with the modeling, you need to pay attention to the design of the tank. The chassis has 5 pairs of large rollers and 2 small on each side. Caterpillars are wide and visually strongly indulged in soil, snow, they are depicted by massive and detailed.
  • Lrack begins with rinks. Make 10 large rinks, 5 pcs. On each side and 4 small - 2 to the side. Next should work with tracks. Roughly speaking, you need to form skating rollers with a thick tape of plasticine. On the tape of the match made perpendicular to the edge of the deepening caterpillar, the rollers simplify the rollers, draw several circles in the middle and the points depicting the bolts around the edge and in the center. If you do not turn out exactly, the prints of the rings of the suitable diameter are invent.

How to sculpt tank T-34 from plasticine - hull

  • After the tracks start working on the case. It is easier to make it a holistic piece of plasticine and in the case of adding parts, cut off unnecessary or attach the desired one. Above the trackers (caterpillars) were the tumor shelves. The angle of the part is painted with hands, but it is more convenient to cut into a flat line with a layout, a knife or a knife for plasticine. Adult wizards enjoy less safe objects for processing, respectively, young craftsmen work not sharp knife for plasticine. The suspension does not matter and is not denoted, because it is almost not visible.
  • The housing of the tank hangs over the caterpillars, the side is under the tilt, the seams are neakocrat. You can add realism using toothpicks to portray the seams between the "steel" details, and to separate them.
  • The upper front part is at a rational angle of 60 °, which allowed the slab with a low thickness to beat the gear guns of German guns. The frontal part is very important, it contains a machine-gun embrasure and a hatch for the driver's mechanic. Ambusura ball, therefore is depicted in the form of halves of a bowl protruding from the case, with a point in the middle.
  • The back of the body is slightly raised, the exhaust pipes and blinds of the mechanical compartment are placed on it. Luke is drawn schematically in the form of a circle or by writing. Exhaust pipes will look like the automotive of the same destination. Blinds show hidden from the eyes, that is, there will be no need for their ribbies, covers covers, blinds with lids are located above the engine compartment.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe steps over the tracked shelves, canisters with a diesel fuel were mounted. The canister on the case from 2 to 4, the same number of small rectangles depicting fuel tanks.

How to sculpt tank T-34 from plasticine - tower

T-34 tank had a low tower. On its side - handrails for infantry on the sides of the tower. Blowing a little over the nose of the tank, used different to the length of the gun. On the tower, schematically, with a toothpick, draw the hatch for the landing. So that the blowing does not fall, it is sled on a stick or a thick wire, stuck plasticine.

All characteristics of domestic plasticine are like a tank modeling. The dull palette makes camouflage imperceptible on the enemy territory. Such material is easy to warm up on the battery or in hot water. When modeling, the parts are not falling apart, over time the product becomes stronger, but it can also be made soft before heating. The minuses when working with such a type of plasticine is the stickiness to the surfaces and the difficulty of working for young children. Floating plasticine is suitable for smearing the kids, it is better than deformation, because of which the figures are obtained by short-lived.

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